We ahve begged for these chamebrings and others like them to absolutely no avail. I guess that NEF thinks that we are the only people who buy their product and not enough of us would buy such chamberings to justifly the manufacturing expense. What they seem to fail to realize is that 1) they have the perfect platform for it and 2) they would be the only maker offering such a beast.
Yes, Ruger and Hi Point and a few others offer semi autos in pistol chamberings. But no one offers a single shot in them. A 9mm or 40SW or 45 ACP Handi....What a wonderful fun gun, teaching gun. I would much rather have one of these to bring a youngster into the world of centerfire than a 30-30 or 243 or even a 44. A 223 is too specialized a chambering for simple plinking. I would buy a barrel, even a firearm in all of the above chamberings if NEF would only make them. If they would just offer the 9mm and the 45 it would suit me. They could offer the 9mm, the 45 and the 30 Carbine and do nothing more than stock reamers for them as they already offer suitable rifled barrels. What a no brainer...What a missed opportunity.