Use purple if you can get it, if you can I would like to ask you to buy me a tube and send it to me, I will happily pay you for your costs!!! The purple is made for small diameter threaded fasteners (scope screws, etc) which you want to remove at a later time but you do not want to loosen by vibration during use. The blue is for the same application for larger (1/4"+) threaded fasteners but is what is more available so most use it and it works OK but is not the proper application (read the directions on the cardboard and plastic holder the tibes of locktite come in). The red is for more permanant fastening for larger diameter bolts such as automotive headbolts under high heat and pressure.
Let me know if you can get purple and I would appreciate getting a tube from you. Of course you could use clear nail polish or blue locktite if you had to. Unable to get purple I use clear nail polish and it works very well. Good Luck....<><.... :grin: