Howdy Chaz
Hamburg, coming west on I-78 & 22 get off the Shartlesville exit ,make a
right for about 4/10 of a mile the road makes a sharp right you want to stay to the left and go straight through about 3/10 of a mile the club is
the right.
I'll be there.
What about Mainville this Sunday .
Free food free shooting.
Food , there will be chicken and rabbits on a spit, deep fried turkey,
hamburgers and hotdogs,baked potatoes, cowboy beans, all kind of home made pies and cakes,Hot chocolate, cowboy coffee.
Shooting ,what match this is going to be,i have 30 pumpkins to shoot
hundreds of balloons plus all of the standard metal targets out to 300yds.
There will be speed pistol,speed rifle ,speedshotgun,and cowboy clays.
Starting time9:30 shooters safety meeting 10:00 shooting starts.
But you can come any time you want up until dark.
You don't even have to shoot just come and eat and look at the cowboys.
You can just shoot the stages you want if you don't have a gun we will
loan you as many as you need and ammo free of charge.
Come on down
Dusty Ed :wink: