Fellas - I have always felt that you lose something on your way down the bullet weight scale. When the plus P loads came out they first looked good, then you found out that when they were fired from snubbies they lose a bunch of velocity and really didn't rate a '+P' designation. Then later, when the first titanium shorties came out the load recommended wasn't even a plus P load, it was a standard pressure loading with a 125 grain bullet and the ballistics hardly took it beyond a 380.
A 135 grain bullet isn't gonna do a lot more than a 125 grain bullet, even if it is a flying ashtray. New powders or not, that 135 isn't going to clock all that fast. In fact, the new Winchester 130 gn SXT managed to obtain 930'/sec from a 4" bbl, so you're going to have to reduce that a bit with a 2" bbl, but it was accurate. OK, so from your M36, and I have the same revolver, this new ammo gets to about 875-900'/sec, if you're lucky.
I'm not sold on those new loads, and since you are a reloader, you might wish to consider a 200 gn swc for your snubbies - that is the only bullet I carry in either my M36 or M38 - they are accurate as all get out. They go over a charge of 3.8 gn of WW231 for a measly 770'/sec from a 4" bbl (not a plus P load). Col. Charles Askins favored this load in eihter the 38 Spl or the British 38-200, as it had a tendency to shoot through enemy troops (WWII) out to 25 yds.