OK, so let us judge the gods that I worship. They don't ask me to get on my knees before them, they only ask that I respect them as Elder Kin. They don't condem me to an evil afterlife for not following them, only I can condem myself to that with improper action, I"m responsible for the condition of my afterlife, not my gods. They don't ask me to be a slave to them. They're not jealous, I can worship as many or as few of them as I care to. They're there when I call on them, want proof, ok, here's proof. We went to the NASCAR Truck race in Nashville a couple weeks ago. A bad storm was blowing in and I ask Thor to hold off the storm so the race wouldn't be delayed and you know what, the storm went around us. I called on him and he came thru for me. Odin, Thor, Frigga, Freya and Freyr et al have been worshipped for thousands of years in Europe and the surrounding areas, long before the desert god, El, became so popular. If you'd do a bit of research on your god, YHVH, EL, jehovah, whatever you want to call him, you'll see that he's not always been worshipped by as many people as worship him today.
To say that I am less because of the gods that I follow, that they don't measure up to your god, isn't being very humble and doesn't your god call you to be humble? I really didn't want this thread to digress into a kicking contest about who's god is bigger or better. That's not my point here. I simply wanted to see how many other here shared the same believes as I, that's all. In Frith.