Well the other day i took out my ejector on my ultra slug hunter to clean it, well in the process, i should of been more careful, but i dinged up the barrel by the underlug where it goes in the reciver, there are a few shallow dings on both sides from a hammer, not real deep but they are visable only when the action is open, shells still fire and eject normal, with no problem, and the chamber isn't dented, i don't htink this is a problem since the barrel is so thick, does this make the gun unsafe to fire?...its onthe under the chamber but doesn't affect the inside of the chamber, i doubt the dings are any deeper than 1mm, if that... will this affect accuracy?....i know it will hurt value, but i love this gun and it doesn't matter to me cuz i aint gonna sell it....but am i just being over paranoid, or is this a concern?