The one that I have shot belongs to my father-in-law. He left it with me cause he knew it would get good care. In other words it would get cleaned up, oiled, ETC...He just turned 87 in Jul and dosent hunt or shoot any more. He did say the old paper shells fed and ejected with no probs.
He also left his 1899 Savage 30/30 with me to take care of (I know clean and oil ETC...) He used to be a rancher and cattleman in S/E Oregon.
Theres no bluing or finnish left on the savage. It was made in 1924, his dad bought it new then and passed it down to him. Its gonna go from me to his grand daughter in latter years.
Guess the other Rem 11 and couple other guns gonna be mine, so gonna take the Rem out in the next week or so (after I clean, oil and ETC...) and see how it works.
Gun Runner