My grand daughter has had a Falcon 150 for about two months now. It seems to be a pretty good bike for what it is. We were initially going to get her a 110, but the 150 had a lot more features that we were interested in. From all the research we did before buying, the most important thing we learned was to buy from a reputable dealer that has been in the business with these bikes for awhile, not likely to be here today, gone tomorrow.
We have a dealer here locally who just started selling them in the crate. They had none put together that we could look at, or try on for size. You paid your money, they loaded on your truck, and you had to put it together when you got home. Any parts needed had to be ordered. Same way most of the internet sellers operate. We found a dealer about 150 miles up the road who sold them assembled, let you take it for a test ride, and had a good supply of parts on hand. We spent about $150 more for the bike, but guess who got our business?
As I said, it seems to be a pretty good bike for the money. We have it throttled back to where it only runs about 75%, and she's not a real hot rod, but so far it's doing just fine.
If you have any specific questions, I'll be happy to answer.