Current production H&R/ NEF firearms are safe to fire, with any commercially available load. Having said that, I have seen some open upon firing those particular loads.
My personal 30-06 Ultra was bought used. They guy who owned it before, shot it ONCE and it opened upon firing. So he brought it right back to the store for a refund. The store would not give him his money back, they only offered to return it to the factory. I happened to be there, so we struck a deal, and I bought it for a good price!
I, returned it to the factory. When it returned, they said what I told you in my opening sentence.
It has never done this to me. BUT I don't fire over the counter loadings, I load my own. I shoot 55 grs of IMR4350 behind a Speer 165 RN. I haven't chronographed that load in that rifle.
That exact load has been my fathers recipe for the 30/06 for as long as I can remember. It has never failed to bring home the venison.