Last year, I purchased a brand new Baikal SxS 12 ga. The left barrel didn't consistantly ignite. Misfired about 25% to 30% of the time.
I returned it. Got it back. Same exact problem.
I sent it back. Waited. Waited. And waited some more.
Finally I got word that they are replacing it with an entirely new gun.
It's been almost a year since I initially purchased it (it spent most of that year with them, not me). Now I look on EAA's website and I can't find that gun described anymore.
It had 28" barrels, 2 3/4" chambers, faux hammers, choke tubes, and double triggers. The closest thing to that that I find on EAA's website has the 20" barrels. I hope they don't send me the 20" barrel version.