Hi Up there!
I am from New Zealand and will be visiting Canada in fall 06 and would like to arrange an elk hunt and visit with waterfowlers in Alberta or the Northern US States, preferably Canada but lets see what eventuates.
Im a very experienced hunter here in NZ and shoot lots of red deer, some thar and chamois, and heaps of mallard and canada geese. We have a 50 a day limit on mallards and no limit on canadas.
I was a Fish and Game Officer here as for 15 years and have visited with Ducks Unlimited in Memphis a few years ago, so have reasonable wildlife knowledge.
I would like to find a budget package or prefer to hunt with locals if possible but would like a reasonable elk bull trophy. Can anyone recommend an outfitter for this?
I would be happy to look at a hunt swap for here in NZ or share costs or what ever to get out there with a gun and some reasonable hunting. I would be happy to just watch the waterfowl hunting as I have shot heaps myself anyway.
So if you have any ideas or can help I would be very grateful
Hot barrels!!!