Thank You guys for the warm welcome and the requested information, it'll help me a lot.
I was really amazed to get so much attention, even stunned to get some german replys.
Here some words to further explanation of my nick, Fred M was right , on one side the term "Saujäger" is quite derogatory, meaning something like f...hunter. On the other hand, the game we are hunting is also called " Sauen" = wild pigs or " Sau " = wild pig, contrary to domestic pigs witch are called " Schweine " or " Schwein ". So you can see, there is nothing wrong with my nick it describes only my favorite hunt.
As it goes for the buffalo classic, I actually don' think I'll use it for hunting, I'll rather fool around at the range with it. perhaps i can even try some long-range shooting with it. As soon as I get the first impressions and results, I'll let you know.
For hunting I've finally settled with a Valmet 512 S double rifle, in 5,6x50 R Mag. and 9,3x74 R calibers. This is what we call a "Bergstutzen", a combination rifle with a small bore and a big bore barrel.
I think this is a rifle that can handle almost every game on this world and it shoots like a dream.
Thanks again for today.