Author Topic: Cindy Sheehan  (Read 5412 times)

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Offline mjbgalt

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #120 on: September 09, 2005, 01:29:52 PM »
the only thing i dislike about this entire place is that some people on here are so convinced that they have all the right answers that they badmouth or attack others and mostly thats done to keep the truth from seeing the light of day, so the obnoxious ones who think they know it all will 1) not have to be shown that they are wrong and 2) to maintain their lofty self-appointed perches theyve put themselves in.

if a gay man saves someone's life he is a hero, not a "queer" who a bus driver should be sent to for deviant sex, as was repeated on here in this thread.

a president can make mistakes. i voted for Bush both times but i disagree on a few things. God forbid if i mention even one small thing because i will immediately be shouted down, attacked, or ostracized and called names.

if someone, (Arafat for instance) falls ill and youve always disagreed with his politics, why not "thats unfortunate but his country will be better off without him" instead of the "i know he has AIDS because he was having homosexual sex" that i saw on here several times? or the "they should inject so and so with a late stage strain of AIDS."

well there is no such strain because the virus itself has no life. it has no death. the "late stage" refers to how the virus affects a human patient, not some change in the virus itself.

be educated before you run your mouth and show how ignorant and hateful you are.

i am also able to like different rifles, ice creams, and shoes than you. THAT IS OK....WE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS. and someone else telling me i am a subpar human because of my choice of XYZ rifles number one doesnt hurt my feelings as i dont recognize you as supreme holder of the truth, and number two, shows just how obnoxious and out of line you are.

why not a little more looking for truth and openmindedness and less rudeness?

too bad so many fine outdoorsmen have shut out logic and truth in the name of vanity.

i am not a liberal and not even close. but the way you people represent conservatism, i sure hope no one who is genuinely interested in conservatism happens by because he or she will assume we are all as hateful and ignorant as some who have posted here.

back on topic, i think cindy sheehan is an idiot who got attention from an anti-conservative press and ran with it.

I have it on good authority that the telepromter is writing a stern letter.

Offline IntrepidWizard

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #121 on: September 09, 2005, 02:19:00 PM »
GW has done several things I don't like but Katrin/New Orleans is not one of them,this Saga started with Huey Long and continued up to Katrina,casting blame where blame is do is what is needed,Mayor,Govenor and Senator,this scenerio was the most discussed and studied of all natural dysasters and even up until Ivan last year a plan was put in place ,but graft,incompetance ,plane old stupidity  and people they were not self reliant lead to the disaster in NO,in other states actions occurred for the goo and even then during this event errors were made,no Galt show me logic and get to the truth and I will withdraw my remarks.
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Offline mjbgalt

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #122 on: September 09, 2005, 03:00:10 PM »
intrepid wizard, as far as i know none of those comments i referred to in my post were made by you. i was attacking no one, just venting a little about something that does no good for GBO.

i wasnt saying i disagreed with bush in those two matters. in fact i think he has done a wonderful job in those two situations. i think the tax refunds were great and i think the economic stimulus was great. i think Iraq was going to be touchy no matter what happened but the UN didnt have the stones to follow their own agreements with Saddam so we did it for them. we freed the people, again, a great thing. and we didnt leave after destroying things, also great. no other culture in the world takes out an enemy and then helps them to rebuild and learn the truth and taste freedom.

so far i agree mostly with you guys about cindy sheehan and this flood situation as well. you guys know the truth about them i think.

as for the comments i referred to, i dont think anyone has to point out how stupid they were. pretty obvious.

and yeah i think they should hang that mayor and governor by their toenails somewhere in new orleans and let the public have a whack at 'em.

I have it on good authority that the telepromter is writing a stern letter.

Offline Sheila

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #123 on: September 09, 2005, 03:07:44 PM »
OK, back to the topic. Cindy Sheenen is a ditch witch

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Offline Leverdude

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #124 on: September 09, 2005, 05:50:13 PM »
Quote from: IntrepidWizard
I understand that Dude and accept it -----where is the mistake.

Ever mentioning WMD or terrorists & Iraq in the same sentence was his mistake IMO.
We went, the reason I supported our going anyway, because Saddam hadn't lived up to the deal we struck after the first war. I think we waited 12 years too long myself, but wether or not he had them & wether or not he had terrorist ties doesn't matter. We went because he openly defied us. We went because the UN wouldn't & we kicked as# & now we're done, almost, shoot him then we're done. If the UN wants to help them let em, if not who cares?
If you care you go, send them your money.  :)
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Offline IntrepidWizard

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #125 on: September 09, 2005, 05:54:38 PM »
Dude ,the evidence has been hashed and rehashed over and over and is not worth going into anymore,it is all there.
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is
a dangerous servant and a fearful master. -- George Washington

Offline fe352v8

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #126 on: September 09, 2005, 09:50:04 PM »

Thank you for your service.  I did one tour in Viet Nam as an Army grunt, and owed my life, on more than one occasion to some “Air Farce” guy, and my stepson who is in the Marine probably does too, as well as a lot of others since the Air Force was created.   The forward air traffic controllers, they were all pilots that never thought they would be humping the bush with a bunch of grunts, that I worked with, displayed a level of courage that a derisive “chicken-hawk” could never imagine or aspire to.  Unless someone has been in combat they can have no conception of it, which is probably for the best, as few who have experienced it up front and personal would ever wish to do it again.

When I had been in country three weeks I killed my first Viet Cong, I was the second FNG (expletive deleted new guy) and got the M-60, there was no three to five round burst, I mashed the trigger and went from his right hip to his left shoulder with a fifty round belt, cutting him in half.  He had been standing less than twenty meters from me, I shot several more men during the firefight that lasted less than ten minutes, and then I puked and changed my pants.  On the next patrol, our squad leader, who was less than a month short, was killed while providing us covering fire during an ambush.  That is when I learned, you may die for a noble cause, but there is nothing noble about death.  There is no inspiring music, last words are usually profanities, and your friend is lying there in his own excrement and urine.  ThatÂ’s the glory, all the platitudes espoused by some “leader” just ring hollow after that, but you go on fighting, not for the “cause” but for your friends.

The majority of people will never know what we sent or young off to, if they did they might think about more, but they do not, so they spout their bravado, wave their flags, and tie their yellow ribbons, and chances are it will not be their child coming home in a box anyhow.  In a few years the boys that became men will tell their war stories, but when they are alone they will remember, their friends who did not come home, and even the enemies they killed, and if they are very lucky they will have a good reason for why their friends died and they killed.  It has been about thirty-five years now, for me and I still do not know why.  I got on with my life, and it has been a very good life, but war changed me, and when I look at my stepson I can see that this war has changed him.

So no, I do not like this war, and to those that have been fortunate enough not to have gone to war, feel free to debase or deride to your hearts content, because it donÂ’t mean a (expletive deleted) thing.

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Offline Leverdude

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #127 on: September 10, 2005, 08:53:54 AM »
Quote from: IntrepidWizard
Dude ,the evidence has been hashed and rehashed over and over and is not worth going into anymore,it is all there.

Yup & its all irrelevant. We went because he didn't live up to his bargain.
If we blame terrorists or WMD we look even worse in light of the fact that theres plenty of both for certain to be found in places we dont mess with.
If we want the terrorists who did 9/11 we need to start with the saudi's. If we want WMD, Iran, Pakistan, Korea, China & a whole boatload of others should be the target. No we are now engaged in a war to save face in Iraq.
 The reason we REALLY went there are gone. As Ironglow said we went because he locked out the inspectors & fired on our planes. WMD & Terrorists we mentioned for political reasons to please the masses & now its biting us in the arse.
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Offline ironglow

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #128 on: October 11, 2005, 02:07:29 AM »
Simple logic:
     Old Joe never hunted much, then one day a couple coyotes raided his hen house, he boarded up the house tightly...still the coyotes came back and killed more..
   So old Joe stood guard...can't stand guard 24/ when he relaxed the 'yotes hit again..
   Joe decided he had to go out after the 'yotes...(he's just beginning to "get it".
   So, he hunts here and there and the next day somewhere else...he doesn't get any 'yotes...they move around..staying just out of his reach.
  ...In fact, now and then a yote would zip in, grab a hen and go with it.

   Finally his friend Herman set him straight:
    "Joe" he said.." You're making a rookie mistake ! Those 'yotes will keep on killing your chickens !
     "What you have to do is draw those predators in to your can be done ! With the proper persuasion, those 'yotes that are raiding you and your neighbors hen houses and killing your chickens can be brought to a single place and eliminated."
   Whereupon Herman went to the field, set up his blind and started to call the 'yotes in and destroy them.
  When he killed all he could at one location...he moved his operation to another and killed more....while Joe stood guard at home...
  Vicious predators can all be killed by the same they human or animal...
     Old Joe finally "got it "....shouldn't we all have "gotten it " by now ?
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Offline bubba

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #129 on: October 20, 2005, 03:54:08 PM »
I really do not know many details about Cindy Sheehan or her son. However I am willing to bet after 9/11, She was very patriotic and so was her son and I bet she was proud he wore a uniform. If for nothing else it saved her lots of college money when he enlisted instead.  The part everyone seems to keep forgetting was we were attacked first. Innocent civilian blood was spilled on our soil.  And I am more than sure it will happen again and soon. I have a nephew who in in the marines and just went back to Iraq. Do I worry about him you bet I do. But, I cant be more proud of anyone and the way he is doing his duty. If he were to be killed in the line of duty, I certainly would not try to get my 15 minutes of fame from it.  What happened to the days when we all stood together shoulder to shoulder ready to go after the (I cant use the word I want to) and kick them all over the desert?  Time does not make the fact we got attacked go away. I do vote and I have no political party affiliation, but, I will say I am glad the man who is in the white house is in there.
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Offline Sheila

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Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #130 on: October 21, 2005, 07:00:08 AM »
Sad to say Bubba, those days are long gone, and they might never come back.

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