I just bought a New Model Ruger Bearcat on Thursday at the MC Sports in Cadillac MI., for $296.79 out the door. They had at least one more and a couple of the 50th anniversy 22cal Single Six's for $295.99 + Tax.
Mine is the standard Blued with Wood grips, and I realy like it a lot. The first 6 shots from it bounced an empty 35mm film can the length of my Trailer(65ft). I havn't tried it on paper yet, but some casual plinking in the back yard makes me think it is shooting just a little to the left. I'll try a few diferent brands of ammo in it till I find the one that it likes the best, then get a brick of so of it.
I think I'm going to order a Wolf reduced power main spring for it next week as the factory springs feel very heavy to me, but first I want to put about 500 rounds through it to brake it in and let it smoth up on it's own. The trigger is much stiffer than what I like and has some creep in it before let off, but that is little stuff and easily adjustable the first time I have it all apart after it's broke in.
I have a set of leftover fake Ivory grips from a previous project and I have started to trim them down to fit the little Bearcat. I like the looks of the fake ivory on Blued pistols and have them on nearly all my pistols now.
My Grandaughter, 11 years old, has already decided the little Ruger is the right size for her, and she has had NO intrest in shooting before she seen this little gun. Hehehehe, gess this was a good idea after all!! LOL
Greeenriver(Think this might become my general walk arround pistol this fall)