:eek: I read in the Abilene Reporter News today that the State of Texas is about to spend $500,000 over the next two years to find the best ways to control the exploding population of feral hogs, which they consider to be a menace to Texas agriculture.
They estimate the wild hogs caused an estimated $50 million a year in economic damage in Texas. The average landowners loss amounts to approximately $7,515 a year. In addition they spend about $2,631 each year in feraal hogcontrol measures and repairing damages.
To date, feral hog control has been largely in the hands of landowners, with hunting and trapping and fencing the most popular control methods.
I have a few wild hogs that wander across my place from time to time, to date, I have not suffered any major damage, but I have talked to landowners north of me that have major problems. I think the key to finding a good cheap place to hunt, is to try and locate the areas that are experiencing the most damage from hogs. I would bet these ranchers/farmers would let you kill as many as you want.
Just some food for thought. :roll: