I had a Lee 1000. Loaded thousand of rounds on it. Never realized the stress and pain it caused until I got my Dillons. Not saying to buy a Dillon, saying the Lee works, but it was not worth what I paid for it. The priming system was junk. I never ever got mine to work. All of those thousand of rounds were primed on the Lee primer tool I have two of them. Probably seated 30-40,000 primers and still going strong.
You can learn a lot with RCBS Rockchucker or similar single stage press but it is slow, and you will soon lose interest due to speed.
I suggest spending the money and go for the Dillon 450 (Square Deal) already set up for 40 S&W. It will be ready to throw loads. It will be very fast to learn. If you have a buddy that reloads, he can have that press set up in 15 minutes to have you ready to throw several hundred rounds an hour.
Good Luck with your choice.
Steve aka been there, done that.