It rained pretty hard yesterday so I just about had the range to myself which was nice. Trekking thru the 100 yards of mud to the targets wasn't so nice. One of the guys on our lease normally shoots a iron sighted 30-30, trouble is he is getting so he can't see the sights(old). Last year I had him use a scoped 270 of mine and he did real well, 4 shots and two deer with only one miss so he is up to 75%. His yearly average with his 30-30 is 7 shots per deer which is a lot of shooting and who knows how much wounding he does. He complained the 270 was too heavy and it's length of pull was too long for him. This year I am going to try to get him to use this 30-06 for his deer hunting. He seldom shoots at much over 100 yards and maybe if he has only one shot he will take care to get it where it needs to go. But who knows, the grumpy old fart may use his worthless 30-30 again. He had a rear sight replaced on his old Marlin and actually thought the gunsmith would know exactly where to set it so it would be sighted in, and he has no idea of how to sight any type of sight in. He fell and broke the old rear sight completely off. I guess he thinks they come sighted in from the factory.