Author Topic: A Diet for the Ages  (Read 1358 times)

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Offline pffft

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A Diet for the Ages
« on: September 25, 2005, 06:47:56 AM »
The laws might allow for dissent, but it needs to be met with suitable opposition that says "No, this is the way we want it".
As in the days of the Vietnam campaign, which was solely in support of the Vietnamese in there efforts to not live under communism, we are now seeing efforts to force an abandonment of Iraq. How long before infiltration breaks down command?
Unlike wars previous to Vietnam, apparently we now must learn how to fight wars on two fronts. One on the field of battle, and the other is here on our own soil, against people who foolishly believe that the United States can exist without protecting its interests. Although the armed forces can handle one front, it takes non-military to control the other front.
The rebellious being entirely within their rights to protest, they are at liberty to demonstrate all they want without fear of retaliation by the government. So who is responsible for keeping these people from having any influence? It is you and me, my friends.
I hear a faint voice out there saying it is time to show support, but without action that voice will soon fade away, and the pot-heads and free-lovers of the 1960's will have soon won their second campaign.
Where are the people who showed dismay when a healthy person was starved to death in order to appease an unfaithful spouse? Why were there no demonstrations taking place in every corner of this country in opposition to this court-supported ruling of such monumental significance?
Where were those people who shook there heads in disbelief as the courts changed our rights to property ownership and dissolved the guarantee that nobody, not even the government, has the right to take it away from us? Where were the protesters then?
Well, there weren't any. And these protesters who are indeed supporting the spread of terrorism, may well get there way again if allowed to continue, and it's a real shame that the memory of Casey and all the other fine American soldiers who have died during this campaign, now risk the possibly of being merely forgotten, as if victims of another cause that lost all support.

When the cats get fat, the mice will play.
It's time to lose some weight.

Offline Hooker

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« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2005, 07:56:15 AM »
Amen to that

" In the beginning of change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man,hated and scorned. when the cause succeeds however,the timid join him...for then it cost nothing to be a patriot. "
-Mark Twain
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787. ME 6:373, Papers 12:356

Offline Mac11700

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« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2005, 08:36:32 AM »
Where were those people who shook there heads in disbelief as the courts changed our rights to property ownership and dissolved the guarantee that nobody, not even the government, has the right to take it away from us? Where were the protesters then?
Well, there weren't any.

If you believe this...I got some swamp land to sell you cheap.You have no idea how many groups have fought against this,and still are fighting it...all over this nation...In the all comes down to is..... GREED....and who has the most money to influence the law makers.

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline FWiedner

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Re: A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2005, 09:29:38 AM »
Quote from: pffft
The laws might allow for dissent, but it needs to be met with suitable opposition that says "No, this is the way we want it".
As in the days of the Vietnam campaign, which was solely in support of the Vietnamese in there efforts to not live under communism, we are now seeing efforts to force an abandonment of Iraq. How long before infiltration breaks down command?
Unlike wars previous to Vietnam, apparently we now must learn how to fight wars on two fronts. One on the field of battle, and the other is here on our own soil, against people who foolishly believe that the United States can exist without protecting its interests. Although the armed forces can handle one front, it takes non-military to control the other front.
The rebellious being entirely within their rights to protest, they are at liberty to demonstrate all they want without fear of retaliation by the government. So who is responsible for keeping these people from having any influence? It is you and me, my friends.
I hear a faint voice out there saying it is time to show support, but without action that voice will soon fade away, and the pot-heads and free-lovers of the 1960's will have soon won their second campaign.
Where are the people who showed dismay when a healthy person was starved to death in order to appease an unfaithful spouse? Why were there no demonstrations taking place in every corner of this country in opposition to this court-supported ruling of such monumental significance?
Where were those people who shook there heads in disbelief as the courts changed our rights to property ownership and dissolved the guarantee that nobody, not even the government, has the right to take it away from us? Where were the protesters then?
Well, there weren't any. And these protesters who are indeed supporting the spread of terrorism, may well get there way again if allowed to continue, and it's a real shame that the memory of Casey and all the other fine American soldiers who have died during this campaign, now risk the possibly of being merely forgotten, as if victims of another cause that lost all support.

When the cats get fat, the mice will play.
It's time to lose some weight.

Many people do not blindly believe that the U.S. government is correct in itÂ’s policies, right or wrong.  You just happen to be in the other 50%.  

Since the Korean War was a bust, the U.S. was in Vietnam to create a strategic foothold to influence politics in China.  Iraq, like Korea and Vietnam is an unnecessary and costly political blunder.

Why is political dissent contrary to what you believe “war”?  These are your countrymen adding their voice to make their vision for our country known.  No one had spoken against protecting our interests, however, many people are beginning to speak out against the foolhardy and wanton waste of our resources in a war which will not render any substantial benefit the U.S.

Is it your preference that the government retaliate aganst these people for engaging their rights?  Is that the country you want to live in?  YouÂ’d be well advised that government force is a double edged sword and cuts two ways.  Why would you wish to see any American deprived of his right to participate in civil discourse?

Another voice on the wind says that government has become too powerful, and has turned away from the values and virtues that made this country great, onto a path of international aggression and civil oppression.  The government no longer obeys either Constitutional mandate or its own laws.

Where are the people who showed dismay when a healthy person was starved to death in order to appease an unfaithful spouse? Why were there no demonstrations taking place in every corner of this country in opposition to this court-supported ruling of such monumental significance?

There are people in court every single day fighting the deliberate and incremental attack by government, ultra-right, and ultra-left organizations to infringe, erode and eliminate the rights of the free people of the United States.

No American supports the spread of terrorism except for perhaps that small portion who truly are the enemy rather than the loyal opposition.

You donÂ’t have to agree with the woman.  She has a right to have her say whether you like it or not.  If you find it so disturbing, turn your head.

It is the effort to silence Americans from making their voices heard by their fellow countrymen and or the government which should be looked down upon and discouraged.

Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.

They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.

Offline powderman

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A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2005, 02:36:39 PM »
People like fonda, kerry, sheehan, etc, have the right to protest. They run their mouth, bad mouthing those in power and against American policies, they make front page news and get the ego boost they so much desire. They are also giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Fonda and kerry have the blood of thousands of Americans on their hands because they gave hope to a beaten enemy, convincing him that Americans were weak and wouldn't fight, thereby prolonging the killing, and the war. Sheehan and the rest of these other morons are sending a message to the Godless ones that America is weak and won't fight. We are in iraq because thats where the Godless ones are. Better to fight them there than here. There were WMDS, moved to syria. There were terrorist training camps in iraq, saddam paid the scum to blow up Jewish children, so don't say that there were no ties to terrorism. You people can piss and moan about GW all you want, he supports that right. I believe our attacking these Godless SOBS wherever they are found is the reason we haven't been hit again. We will be hit again, even worse than 9-11-01, then the dumcraps, and the sheehans, kerrys, fondas, and other libs, will say, WHY DIDN"T SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING. Libs make me sick. POWDERMAN.  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline pffft

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« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2005, 03:13:46 PM »
Thanks Hooker.
Good one, powderman.
Mac11700, Maybe you don't understand the power of protest, especially when it is done en masse and at a time when it will be most effective.
Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.

If they can protest, so can we, which is what my post is all about, and nothing anywhere near all the blurb you have suggested.

Offline red_ford_truck

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protecting our interests...
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2005, 03:06:38 AM »
I support the concept of protecting our interests.....

but as I see it there are bigger fish to about a NUCLEAR
North Korea?
A growing threat from the ChiComs? Its only a matter of time before they grow a set......Their growing lust for oil will only nake them more desperate

Call it what you will, but our endeavor in Iraq is just some sort of delusional fantasy for GWB.......

.....and dont try to paint this as some sort of liberal blather, as i am certainly no liberal.......

And I dont think its the pot heads and free lovers (whats wrong with "free" love...didnt you get any?) that think this 'war' is a bust....its moms, dads, iron workers, cops and your neighbors that think this way.
Read the numbers......the approval rating is below 40% and its trending DOWN.  America is waking up to GW's mistake.  If GW had decided to really take down Afghanistan and FIND UBL, Id be for it........hell, if he cooked off an M-61* and told me he got him, Id be for that too....but his maniacal misadventure to avenge his daddy is not what we bargained for.

And before I get blasted as some liberal who doesnt love his great country (red neck in  a ford truck if you need to know) I have to ask you what you did in , I was loading bombs on forward to 9/11, and you would have found me in NYC helping to recover my brother FF' please spare me the lecture as I wasnt sitting around watching FNC like most folks were.

*  M-61 medium yield air dropped theatre nuclear weapon.

Offline pffft

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« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2005, 05:54:36 AM »
It never ceases to amaze me that uneducated people who couldn't even qualify to shine the president's shoes, always think they know more and can do a better job.
You have neither lived long enough, nor exhibit being well read enough to be making opinions on world affairs.
So just who do you think you are fooling?
When you think, act, talk, and smear like a liberal, then you are a liberal regardless of what you think others should believe.
You are obviously intimidated by those who show support for our country and its policies.
A lecture is exactly in order, and if you don't want one, then you should keep your blurb out of my threads.
Learn to read and comprehend at the same time. You should have noticed that this thread is about people gathering together in unison to demonstrate their concerns. It has become tainted by liberal thinking and a concern to only criticize, smear, and bloviate over your imagined fantasies about what our policy-makers should give more priority to.
First concern, which Bush has always supported, is bringing Americans together, and still the liberals retreat, avoid, slander, and otherwise refuse to lend themselves to considering anyone's agenda other than their own.

Offline red_ford_truck

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......right.....whatever you say!
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2005, 06:29:05 AM »
Quote from: pffft
It never ceases to amaze me that uneducated people who couldn't even qualify to shine the president's shoes, always think they know more and can do a better job.
You have neither lived long enough, nor exhibit being well read enough to be making opinions on world affairs.
So just who do you think you are fooling?
When you think, act, talk, and smear like a liberal, then you are a liberal regardless of what you think others should believe.
You are obviously intimidated by those who show support for our country and its policies.
A lecture is exactly in order, and if you don't want one, then you should keep your blurb out of my threads.
Learn to read and comprehend at the same time. You should have noticed that this thread is about people gathering together in unison to demonstrate their concerns. It has become tainted by liberal thinking and a concern to only criticize, smear, and bloviate over your imagined fantasies about what our policy-makers should give more priority to.
First concern, which Bush has always supported, is bringing Americans together, and still the liberals retreat, avoid, slander, and otherwise refuse to lend themselves to considering anyone's agenda other than their own.

seems to me you are  one of those "my country right or wrong" types.....
 i surmise you would have served Stalin and his pals well.

as far as keeping my blurb from your threads, well I thought thats what the 'net, forums like these andfree speech are all about....I guess it goes back to that whole ' my speech is protected but yours isnt so we should stamp it out' mindset.

I guess had you lived back in the day you might have criticized Jefferson, Adams and Patrick Henry for having the gall to speak out against their government.  Hey thats fine, but quit telling people that that brain in your head really belongs to you.

Offline red_ford_truck

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Who is responsible?
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2005, 06:47:16 AM »
You write:

"So who is responsible for keeping these people from having any influence?  The answer is you and me, my friends."

Thats what you wrote...........

Real patriots do not want to keep any American from having his deserved influence in our great nation. One man , one vote. Freedom of speech.
Freedom of the Press.  Right to Peaceful Assembly.  Right to bear arms.

I do not want to obstruct anyAmerican citizen's right to lawfully influence his nation.  

While I may disagree with the Pro-Choice folks 100%, I would not wish to live in a land where my fellow citizens and perhaps even their government conspire to strip away the Constitutional rights of others.

Is that how you truly feel? I hope not.

Offline Haywire Haywood

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Re: A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2005, 09:52:17 AM »
Quote from: pffft
Where are the people who showed dismay when a healthy person was starved to death in order to appease an unfaithful spouse?

Exactly what planet are you from again?
Kids that Hunt, Fish and Trap
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Offline pffft

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A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2005, 10:27:16 AM »
Insults will get you nothing here.
I advise you take a lesson in how to engage in constructive conversation.

Offline mjbgalt

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« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2005, 11:32:34 AM »

i find that when i am right about something i am not as defensive as when i am wrong about something and someone points it out. and i dont need to insult or attack anyone while making such an argument either, by the way  :wink:

I have it on good authority that the telepromter is writing a stern letter.

Offline pffft

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« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2005, 08:51:57 AM »
The emphasis in my post is not so much about world events as it is about preserving traditional values.
While liberals continue to promote their socialistic ways in our public schools and in our courtrooms, they are erroneously attempting to convey the idea that they speak for everyone. That is dead wrong. Their efforts need to be met with suitable opposition. That doesn't happen just by sitting in the comforts of one's home and watching it all transpire without restriction on TV.
Although demonstrations are commonly used as a means for protesting certain legislation, there are times to show support for certain policies, doing so with a physical presence rather than just conveying disgust about it among friends. Even though the efforts of the wacko Sheehan have now somewhat self-destructed, massive protesting is planned for early next year, and the moon bats are already hopping in anticipation of it. The one group that recently made the effort to show their support for our military is going to need additional support from those who appreciate their freedoms and who understand how they are earned.
So, consider my post as a wake-up call, and for some, hopefully a new realization that the current trend to overhaul our American way of life will result in less consideration for the average Joe than is afforded to the worst criminal this country can produce. There are other domestic issues just as critical. You can be insulted or better-informed as you wish. The efforts in some comments in this thread to detour attention elsewhere or to distort the message is deliberate and a common tactic of those who benefit from people's ignorance.

"If you were to poll these troops in Iraq, 95% would say 'stay the course, stay the mission.' A lot of these people want to eat in the garden but don't want to tend the garden. They want to live here but don't want to defend where they live at."
-- John Horrigan, Gold Star Father, at the pro-military rally in DC

"...So it's very important that you understand the mentality of those who want to pull out of Iraq right now. That mentality would put all of us in grave danger. A cut-and-run retreat in Iraq would lead to a tremendous resurgence in worldwide terrorism. For example, the jihadists currently in Iraq would transit through Iran into Afghanistan and begin an insurgency there almost immediately. Iran itself would accelerate her nuclear activities, believing the USA weakened. And the civil war that would erupt inside Iraq once America and Britain pulled out would allow Iran to send forces into that country to fight on the side of the Shiia, thereby Iran would dominate Iraq.

All in all, the world would become a much more dangerous place if the USA cuts and runs from Iraq. If Iran dominates the Gulf, get ready for a war that'll makes Iraq look like "Sesame Street." Americans will never be able to live in peace and security knowing that Iran has nuclear capability which they could funnel to jihadists..."
----Bill O'Reilly, Give Peace a Chance, September 27, 2005

Although you can ignore me, you cannot ignore the facts, and it is a certainty that mine won't be the last voice you hear on this matter. Don't forget about AM radio and its fine assortment of nationally syndicated and local conservative announcers who hammer liberals into the ground in one-on-one argument on a daily basis. There you will learn actual facts instead of the smears that the MSM and liberal leadership so effectively glitter-up to make it appealing on the boob-tube.

See ya around Christmas-time.

Offline rockbilly

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A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2005, 02:41:33 PM »
:twisted: One of the major threats to America and our way of life is the open borders and number of illegal aliens crossing into this country everyday.  I think we need to address terrorist all over the world, but first I think we need to secure what we already have.  Take a hard cold look at your city, how many people from a another country are living there today?  

The influx of illegals will ruin our economy, more folks on welfare than there are workers.  I went to the hospital a while back and could not be seen because the emergency room was treating three illegals that had been involved in a traffic accident.  All welfare cases that the government says they can not turn away, but there was no problem turning a paying 24 year veteran away.

How about the schools in your area, how many are required to hire teacher to teach the illegals in their native tongue?  I understand Dallas TX is currently teaching in 27 different languages.  Who picks up the tab for that?

Dieses that had been eliminated in America years ago is beginning to reappear, whY?  It is being carried in by illegals from third world countries.  I recently read that over 7500 illegal aliens from muslin countries were stopped at one check along the Mexican border last year.  That is one check point, how many got through and or currently training for an attack from with-in?

I don't know about you, but I was raised to take care of, and protect the home front before jumping the fence to help someone else.

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2005, 11:59:12 PM »
I would grant all the right to say as they wish.
I would only disagree with statements made as fact when I would disagree with fact.
The communist of north Vietnam were never in a position to have been even remotely considered defeated by anyone, and to the contrary, it was a major concern of all leadership on a stragedy to defeat them.
Sad to say, but true, none the less. That is, given the criteria by which we fought.

Offline powderman

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A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2005, 07:35:53 AM »
WILLIAMLAYTON. I beg to differ Sir. General Giap said in his book that he was on the verge of collapse and defeat on several occasions when the actions of fonda, kerry, etc, gave him the hope and strength to fight on. They have the blood of thousands of Americans on their hands. POWDERMAN.  :x  :x  :x  :x
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline rockbilly

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A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2005, 12:38:51 PM »
:eek: President Theodore Roosevelt said this many years ago:  "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, it is morally treasonable to the American public."

Regardless of who is in the whitehouse, I reserve the right to disagree.  And god knows I disagree with president Boosh on many things.

Offline powderman

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A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2005, 01:41:02 PM »
I don't agree with everything president Bush does either, but I refuse to publicly berate him, belittle, and disrespect him. When dissent gives aid and comfort to our enemies, I call that treason. We are in a war with a Godless people who understand only strength. Write your congress critters, or the president, but don't give hope to those Godless SOBS we are fighting, you only prolong the wounding, maiming,  and dying. POWDERMAN.  :?  :?  :?  :?
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline FWiedner

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A Diet for the Ages
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2005, 04:27:16 PM »
"t is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

— Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering
They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.

Offline red_ford_truck

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'aid to the enemy'
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2005, 06:51:04 PM »
I was not aware that by lawfully exercising my constitutional rights' afforded to me by the greatest document men have ever written, and upheld and protected by millions of American fighting men that I was giving aid to the enemy.
Our right to speak out is ours and ours alone.

I do not wish to live in a gulag state where the right to dissent is suppressed.
If I did have that desire,I would pack up the truck and drive down to Florida and swim to Cuba, probably passing a few hundred men, women and children looking for a place where they do not live under the gray cloud of a man who tells them when to think and what to think, much less what to say.
And if that didnt work out, I suppose I could catch an Aeroflot jet to Pyongyang......
But I dont want that at all........I want to live in a free land where freedom of thought , freedom of religion  and freedom of expression are cherished and protected.
Suppression of one's freedoms in this land is a double edged sword......if it is allowed to happen then, when the folks YOU dont agree with hold sway, will you necessarily shut your mouth because they say so?
I hope not......I hope as a free American you'll bit_h like hell.

Even if I disagree with you, I hope you do.  And I'll remember that you have every right in this god given land to do so.
