Now I don't want to be braggin but I am having so much fun with my Encores right now, I have to say something!
I feel like I'm getting pretty salty off the bench with my .44 mag in 12 inch. Can fairly well put the shots where I want them with my Bushnell 2x6 scope. Consistency is great for my handloads and I can't wait to shoot something (deer, hog, turkey, coyote, bobcat) in just a few weeks.
My 12 inch .223 program is going well too. I put several in the black today at 50 yards with the non-magnifying red dot/green dot Bushnell. I see potential here as I learn to shoot this scope/caliber combo.
My Encore 209x50 seems to really like two 777 pellets pushing the Precision Bullets 240 grain polymer tips. Will know for sure when BP season opens next Saturday.
Spent nearly the whole day at the range and had so much fun. Need to try some practical shooting this week to finish up and be completely ready.
Saw one kid at the range who would not listen to his wise dad and settle down to shoot. Wanted to blame his Encore and everything else for his issues. Had to be the gun and not him! Probably would have taken $250 for the whole stainless steel 209x50 rig if I had offered it. Sad deal--MAYBE he should stick to archery like he was thinking!
Sorry to ramble but just needed to share that this Encore pistol thing is going really well and I look forward to the hunting season.
Good luck to all of you.