Author Topic: In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Splinters away!!!!!  (Read 1528 times)

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Offline Andrew Quigley

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Splinters away!!!!!
« on: February 04, 2003, 04:41:34 PM »
Andrew Quigley rides down the dusty street and dismounts his stickhorse Splinters in front of the Saloon.

 One of the locals pops off smart bout a man riding a stickhorse as Quigley steps onto the boardwalk carring Splinters in his right hand.
 The local smart mouth quickly gets the peg end of Splinters in his teeth before he can add more insults at Quigley and Splinters.

 Andrew scolds Splinters for his behavior and explains to the man as he helps him back to his feet that Splinters couldn't have a beer this evening as punishment for his action.

  Andrew steps through the batwing doors and see's his old saddle pard Holiday Hayes lounging at the bar. Quigley ambles over to Holiday and pokes him in the ribs with his finger.
  Holiday jumps likes he's been shot and then spins round while grabbing for his hogleg.
 When he see's it's Quigley he just grinsand say's " we got laws in this town bout havin ya horse in the Saloon! :eek:

"Lost!!  Ain't never been lost. Fearsum confused for 2 or 3 months but never lost!!"

Offline Holiday

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Sp
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2003, 12:39:08 PM »
Dang, pard, I was gettin' a little worried about ya. Haven't seen ya at the NAR club in a while. Well, on to the story.....

Smiling at Holiday's joke, Quigley replies,"Well, ya know how stubborn he is. He still thinks he's human. Say, what was the deal with them three fellers ridin' outa town on them blind mules? Ain't seen nothin' so funny in years!" (NOTE: See "Alabama Snow" for explanation."

Holiday laughs and says," Them's the last fools that tried  to rob the bank. So, what have ya been into? Last time I saw you, you were harassin' Ms Rocky and Ms Shotglass over at Cavern Cove. They been givin' ya dancin' lessons again?"
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline Andrew Quigley

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Sp
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2003, 11:34:59 AM »
"Naw I can only dance when they's shoot'n at my feet."
   Heard Ms. Shotglass has a pretty 25yr old daughter but she got her spray with that new fangled Anti-Quigley spray she got at Ambush.
 No matter has that bride of mine back on the home range keeps me towin the line.
 Quigley then orders his ole saddle pard and his self another round of beers.  He say's to Holiday " how's the new town shaping up. Sounds like ya and Marshall Graybeard got things pretty well in check.
  Blind hores's ugh? Don't think I want to deal with ya Doc and his horses.

"Lost!!  Ain't never been lost. Fearsum confused for 2 or 3 months but never lost!!"

Offline Holiday

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Sp
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2003, 02:16:55 PM »
"Thanks fer the beer, friend!" Holiday ssays."Aw, the towns doin't jes fine. Marshall Graybeard keeps a tight rein on things. Say, what brings ya into town?"

Andrew pauses a minute and contemplates his beer. "Well, pard, I'm kinda in a pinch. And so are you. Remember that scrap we had with the Bushwacker gang back last year?" Holiday nods and Quigley continues," Well, they came back a couple of weeks after you left. I was leadin' the posse that run 'em off. After all the dust settled, I decided to head south and visit some kin. About two days out, I spotted 'em on my back trail. They must be plannin' on some revenge. Now, normally I'd a turned around, took the reigns in ma teeth and give chase. But at a trading post on the trail I heard a rumor that some of 'em were headed after you. Seems ol' Bushwacker is gonna get even with all of the Ambush posse. So I just naturally lit out ta find you. So how's your day?"

Holiday hangs his head and sighs. "It would seem to be on a downward slide, Andrew. Have we got a plan?"
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline Andrew Quigley

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Sp
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2003, 07:07:49 AM »
Have I got a plan!

 I figured we'd  put some wigs and dress's on some cows and leave them out on the trail. Then while the gang try's to git a date with them we'll sneak round behind them and git the drop on em!
 Them boys is git a bit long in the tooth and their eye sight ain't what is used to be so they'd never know them was cows in drag. Course with the way them fellers smell no gal would want to stand near them.

"Lost!!  Ain't never been lost. Fearsum confused for 2 or 3 months but never lost!!"

Offline Holiday

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Sp
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2003, 03:17:23 PM »
Say! Now there's an idea! Juggs has got a few old mops out back we could turn into som wigs, and I bet we could git some table cloths or maybe some calico cloth down at the General Store! Why don't you mosey on down there and see what ya can dig up. I'll get the mops and meet ya down the street at the stable. We can use a couple of the Doc's old milk cows.

A few hours late, Andrew and Holiday step back to admire their handiwork. "ya know," says Andrew," they don't look too bad!"
Shaking his head, Holiday replies,"Just how long WERE you on the trail?"

Before Andrew can reply, the sound of trotting horses floats down the trail."Shhhhhhhh!" Andrew hisses,"Here they come! Quick, duck behind those rocks!" :D
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline LoLo, SASS #25643

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Sp
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2003, 01:20:09 PM »
LoLo sneaks up from behind and let's out a SASQUATCH yell. Quigley launches into his famous highstep dance while Holiday practices his imitation of being electrocuted. :D

Hey I'ts just me. What ya'll doing, huntin fer varmits? :lol:

Offline Holiday

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Sp
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2003, 11:41:40 AM »
Lolo! Long time no see! Where ya been keeping yourself? Yeah, we are trying to trap a few two legged varmits. Wanna help? :D
Holiday Hayes
Darksider, Gunfighter
"Just a simple Cowboy, tryin' ta git along"

Offline LoLo, SASS #25643

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In a cloud of dust and yelling High Ho Sp
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2003, 02:53:49 PM »
I'll be scout. :-)