Eh, put me on the schedule, and I'll show up. For the past couple of years, I've done mostly 7pm to 7am, three days one week, four days the next. Lately because of injuries among the other supervisors, it's been irregular. We may be scheduled to work either 8 or 12 hour shifts, the 12s being 7pm-7am or 7am-7pm, and the 8s, 11pm-7am, 7am-3pm or 3pm-11pm. We can work anywhere from three to six days a week. Two weeks from now, I get the one I really don't like. On the schedule, it shows up as "P D A P D A." The "P" is 7pm-7am, the "D" is a day off, and an "A" is 7am-7pm. The result is 12 hours on, 24 hours off, repeat x 3. I've never been able to adjust to a 36-hour circadian cycle. Fortunately, I've had to work it only once a year or so for the past 20 years. It still makes for a rough week.