I have resisted the waxed dirt until now.I thought I could just go to snares when we got to freeze and thaw conditions.I set out 2 lines with waxed dirt.One is 60 sets,the other is 79 sets.As soon as I got the lines out it rained,snowed 5" of real wet snow,thawed and froze again every night.I got real cheap and made a few sets on each line with dry dirt only.The short line has produced 24 coyotes in 2 checks and the longer line has produced 23 coyotes in 3 checks.One line,the longer one had more just dry dirt sets.Needless to say the dry dirt sets were a frozen mess.I'm convinced,waxed dirt is the only way to go,from the start of the season to the end.I'm running low on waxed dirt already and will be accepting donations of 100 gallon lots(smile).Boggy I would be willing to take you on as a skinner if you would be interested in a season where your feet would be dry all season.So far I've used only 3 dirt hole sets.Man are these coyotes furred up!!