Author Topic: cool  (Read 1530 times)

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Offline killer

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« on: October 26, 2005, 03:03:11 PM »
glad to see we got our new forum.
shoot straight

Offline 45454

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« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2005, 04:04:32 PM »
Hi Killer, :D
Just hope people can have an open mind about the choices are.
Or, at least the thinking be flexible about using other things that usually aren't thought of in a survival situation. :eek:
I mean, we have those expensive thermals.Why not tights ?
Would be a rather inexpensive alternative.If you can't find those thermals in the area,then Walmart (can I say "Kmart"?? :shock: ).
This is one area, we can be flexible in thinking. :grin:

In another discussion, not far from this thread, I made my own suggestions: the salt and pepper packets,(about 50/50-60/40.The 60,
being 60 salt packets to 40 pepper packets.You get the idea.) in empty
M+M's tubes.The taste of squirrel/rabbit would be better than without.
Hit up KFC,Taco Bell for these packets, as well as sugar and sugar
substitutes. Make sure you don't store the sugar/substitutes with the salt and pepper packets.Pepper, being an aromatic, would transfer the smell and taste to the sugar/substitutes.Keep separate.
Also, the M+M tubes can be used for a small first aid kit.Packets of
antibacterial ointment can be added with the band-aids.
And, these same M+M tubes can have an emergency fishing kit as well.
I use M+M tubes also for antacid tablets.
Use a permanent marker to lable. And cellophane tape to prevent the
lable from being rubbed off.
For knives; don't carry one type of knife.One knife can't do all jobs.
It's like using a Phillips screwdriver for wood screws, then using the same screwdriver to fix your watch (replacing the batteries).
Or, another, using one sized wrench for all size of bolts or nuts,especially
when a socket should be used when a wrench can't go.
Guess you get my meaning.In other words, one size does not fit all.
So, a large knife does big jobs,and a small knife for small jobs.
Hope this, will kick off this new forum. Looks like another good forum.
The old calibers and guns got the job done
Life-United Prospectors Inc
WARTHOG-The Open Range forums

Offline 45454

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« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2005, 05:11:07 PM »
Hi All,
Have 2 websites for you:

The, is for general survival.With common sense approach.
How to select your knife/knives.
Anozira,is more like a bug-out/survival (BUG-OUT BAGS).They,too
have recommendations on survival knives.Not like the "Rambo" type
It's too bad that "American Survival Guide" went out-of-business.
They went under in either 2001 or 2002.
Jim Benson, has his own website,that is styled after "ASG".
Jim has said, that "ASG" was going for more PC-politically correct. And this was it's downfall. He is a nice guy to know.
I'll look around for the web address. And post it here when I find it.
The old calibers and guns got the job done
Life-United Prospectors Inc
WARTHOG-The Open Range forums

Offline 45454

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« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2005, 05:32:28 PM »
Found it:

It's an on line magazine.
At the end of the year, a free CD is mailed to the subscribers.
And get a full year of the magazine, with Adobe Acrobat.All in PDF.
Got a lot of good stuff in it.
The old calibers and guns got the job done
Life-United Prospectors Inc
WARTHOG-The Open Range forums