Author Topic: KY - A Second Amendment right (Letters)  (Read 347 times)

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KY - A Second Amendment right (Letters)
« on: November 04, 2005, 03:13:15 AM »
A Second Amendment right

A 'deceitful strategy'

In condemning legislation protecting firearm manufacturers from certain lawsuits, The Courier-Journal's Oct. 22 editorial, "Special rights for gunmakers," slays the straw man of its own making, while censoring the heart of the matter by omission. Special rights? Let's illuminate what the editorial did not.

Groups seeking to destroy the Second Amendment rights of their fellow Americans cannot risk an honest, aboveboard exposure of their goal. Their deceitful strategy of burying this right under myriad so-called "reasonable" rules, regulations, prohibitions, controls and other hindrances so that this second item of the Bill of Rights will become essentially nullified, in that no one can really exercise it.

One tactic of the anti-Second Amendment crowd is conspiring with like-minded local public officials for the suing of firearms manufacturers for being somehow complicit in the illegal acts of criminals. The real and malicious object of these specious lawsuits is to bankrupt the manufacturers through the high and continuous expense of a legal defense. . . . The manufacturers have won every decision, but at the cost of millions of dollars.

However, demonstrating insidious cleverness, the anti-Second Amendment side and its public officials ensure that any of their expenses will be paid by those same taxpayers whose rights are the ultimate targets of these end-run attacks.

Contrary to the impression given by The C-J editorial, the legislation does not shield manufacturers from legitimate suits involving the legal requirements to which all manufacturing concerns are subject. But what if we are wrong and the editorial is correct? Then, should we ever roll our copy of The C-J into a tight baton and attack someone, don't worry about us; just ask the mayor to sue Gannett for not controlling the distribution and possession of its dangerous and possibly lethal newspapers.


Louisville 40208


'Liberal nuts like you'

. . . Your Oct. 22 editorial, "Special rights for gunmakers," was a lesson on how to spread misinformation. I call it downright lies. The Lawful Commerce in Arms Act is necessary to prevent liberal nuts like you from bankrupting the firearms industry. Why should the gun companies be held liable for some idiot shooting somebody?

The gun industry is the most regulated business in America. . . . You do not have to get permission from the FBI to buy any other product. Yet you people want to hold the gun companies responsible for the actions of idiots. It would be the same to sue Ford over drunk drivers. Maybe I should sue you guys for contributing to ignorance in Kentucky.


Summersville, Ky. 42782

They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.