Author Topic: How long can I store powder????  (Read 1727 times)

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Offline Frog123

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How long can I store powder????
« on: March 11, 2003, 06:35:41 PM »
Does anyone have an idea on how long I can store pyrodex in the factory can if I don't open it. The local super duper mega mart sporting good store is having a clearance on one pound cans of RS grade pyrodex and I thought about picking up a case and putting it back but I'm not sure how well it will keep. Any ideas??

Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time....ES

Offline kevin

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How long can I store powder????
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2003, 02:03:36 AM »
:D   hey, well ive stored black powder for years, and have a old can of pyrodex pistol powder thats bee opend and used over the last ten years,
 and have used the same stirage method as with all modern ammunition store it in a environment out of direct sunlight and in a dry area and at roomtemperature you don;t want  drastick temperature changes, the ideal environment is a plase that is a cool dry spot.
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Offline simonkenton

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How long can I store powder????
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2003, 02:06:32 AM »
Black powder you can keep virtually forever. It does not absorb moisture from the air.
Many of the substitutes, Clear Shot is one, have a sorry shelf life. They start losing power and getting erratic after a year.
Pyrodex, I don't know for sure.
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Offline savageT

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How long can I store powder????
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2003, 02:23:34 AM »
Quote from: simonkenton
Black powder you can keep virtually forever. It does not absorb moisture from the air.
Many of the substitutes, Clear Shot is one, have a sorry shelf life. They start losing power and getting erratic after a year.
Pyrodex, I don't know for sure.

I'm sure that if the original cans are kept sealed in proper storage under cool, dry conditions the pyrodex will remain stable.  However, as Simon pointed out, modern b/p substitutes and that includes Pyrodex, does absorb moisture and will not dry out as does real black powder.  Keep your powder stored in a dry cabinet or closet with a moisture absorbant desicant.  If in doubt,  I'd pass on that case of older RS and pick up Triple 7 as needed.

savageT........Have you hugged a '99 lately?

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Offline Bob_K

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Powder Storage
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2003, 05:20:45 AM »
An excellent use for an old, non-working refrigerator is as a powder magazine.  You need to clean it out with a mild bleach solution to kill any mold, then dry it  completely.  I then put in dessicent bags and my powder.  It helps keep the powder dry, and moderates the temperature swings (both high temp and low temp can promote powder breakdown). I've stored powder there without degradation for as long as 10 years.  The magnetic seal acts as a weak wall in case of fire.  Primers are stored in a separate refrigerator.

As noted, some replica powders do not store well.  Black Canyon was particularly bad.  An unopen, sealed container will last longer than an open one.

As far as Pyrodex, I have some over five years old and it's still performing with no noticable degradation.   Other than a few bad actors such as Black Canyon, Clear Shot, etc, most powders will last 20+ years if kept dry and not too hot or cold.  The biggest drawback is you can't take advantage of powder improvements (like Triple 7) if you've stockpiled a bunch of something else.
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Offline mamaflinter

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How long can I store powder????
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2003, 02:39:35 AM »
Quote from: simonkenton
Black powder you can keep virtually forever. It does not absorb moisture from the air.
Many of the substitutes, Clear Shot is one, have a sorry shelf life. They start losing power and getting erratic after a year.
Pyrodex, I don't know for sure.

Hi Simonkenton   :D  I didn't know you frequented here as well. Blackpowder will indeed keep forever. It's the only powder made that you can get wet, allow to dry and still shoot. None of the subs or smokeless possess this ability. Pyrodex is a sub and does lose it's shelf life. According to Knight Rifles, they tell you if you've had a can of Pyrodex for a year, to throw it away.

Bob K Tell me are you storing real blackpowder or the subs in this old refrigerator? Blackpowder will store quite well and provided the temp swing isn't too great, powder can last for many, many years.