Author Topic: Question about Red Dot scopes  (Read 1010 times)

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Offline kc5rkg

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Question about Red Dot scopes
« on: March 20, 2003, 01:33:39 PM »
Hello again!

I have a couple questions about Red Dot sights.  I'm looking for something to put on a winchester M94 30-30.   Most of the shots would probably be 50 yards or less while walking through the woods hog hunting.  I plan on getting a SBH .44 MAG for this purpose, but I already have the 30-30 and want to put it to use.  I was thinking the red dot would be great for this, because it would be easy to see and hopefully give you the ability of a quicker shot than a scope would.  I may alos use this from a stand occasionally.  Are the red dot sights okay to use out to 100 yards? 150 yards?   I know you can get different size dots for them, what sizes would work best.  Any other info or opinions you can provide?  Thanks!!!


Offline kc5rkg

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another thing......
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2003, 04:08:52 PM »
If you feel a red dot is okay for my application, which brand do you recommend?  Thanks


Offline freddogs

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Question about Red Dot scopes
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2003, 04:45:51 PM »
:D I'm sure there are those out there that know more about this than me. Here's my opinion anyway. I put a reddot site on my ruger M77/44.I followed some recomandations from this site and got a site made by the Reddot Company. It's a good site. You can change dot size and intensity. I used it last deer season in northern Wisconsin and it worked fine. Unfortunatly I didn't get a shot at any deer with it. The dot that is small at 50 yards    is pretty big at 150. There is no magnification so targets look pretty small at 150yds but it's :sniper:   fine at closer ranges. I like mine. It's light and handy on the gun. Seems like a fine closer range site.

Offline Ranger413

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« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2003, 06:26:41 PM »
I have a UltraDot brand red dot sight mounted on my Ruger Super Redhawk 44 Mag.  It's been tossed about alot by heavy factory and hand loads and is kinda like a Timex in my view.  The dot is just about perfect for shots at 50 yards.  I'm able to print under 2" at 50 yards with my setup.  

UltraDot is well respected among competition shooters and like I said, they're pretty tough.  I've never had any problems with the dot moving once I've sighted it in.  Batteries last pretty long and are readily available at Walmat, etc.  I puchased mine new from  He's located in Maine I believe.  There are several other vendors and some reviews on the UltraDot if you plug it into your search engine.  They have four models to choose from.  1" and 30mm tube versions and single or quad sized dots.  I chose the 30mm single dot style.  I think it is a 4moa dot which means that it covers about 2" at 50 yards and 4" at 100 yards.  I think for anything within 100 yards atop a 30 30 it would be just the ticket.  I'd go with the 30mm version as it has a larger tube and gives you a bigger field of view.  Prices range from about 115 to 160.  UltraDot has my endorsement.  Let us know which route you go.   May want to also check this out . . . made by the same company.

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Question about Red Dot scopes
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2003, 12:18:01 AM »
Aimpoint has a model 7000 2x that has 2x magnification and a 2moa dot. That would be ok for up to 150 yard shots. I have a Trijicon Reflex sight on my .44 mag revolver. It requires no batteries and is much like a Holosight. The Aimpoint would adapt to a Ruger SBH if you have a Hunter model since you use rings. The Reflex sight needs a Weaver type base.

Offline freddogs

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Question about Red Dot scopes
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2003, 07:20:12 AM »
:( Sorry I made a mistake in my post. My sight was made by Ultradot and has four sizes of dots. I wouldn't hesitate to buy other of their products. :oops: