It took alot of it this morning......about 8:45 I saw a deer easing across the top of the hill in the thick stuff,so I hit the grunt call twice...well,he came straight to me,looking around trying to figgure out which "deer" had called him a bad name,i guess :-D
He was an eight pointer,but not a big one,had a white spot on his back abouyt the size of a softball....he eased around for a couple of minutes with me watching him with the scope at 10 yards (he looked HUGE magnified 5 times at 10 yards :grin: )anyway,last year i shot a basket rack 8 and said i wouldn't do it anymore so I let him walk
I was thinkin two things though
1. those backstraps look GOOD
2.I really want to christen this handi rifle
sooooo,it did take some willpower.....cuz i wanted to let the hammer fall