No I'm not a squirrel, but a real person who just learned what squirrels and deer have always known. Acorns are good food! First though I wondered why if hickory nuts come from hickory trees and walnuts come from what else, walnut trees; why then do oaks produce acorns and not oak nuts? Well it goes back to my English ancestors who called the oak tree "ak" (pronounced awk) and they further thought the nuts on the ak looked like the ornaments on their Christmas tree. These they called "orns" hence ak orns--acorns. It's a good story anyway. Back to the grub. Here's how I fixed them: Shell and coarse grind white oak acorns, because they have less tannin in them. Tannin is bitter, you have to remove it by rinsing the crushed nuts in boiling water 5 times or until the rinse water stops looking like tea. Fine grind the nuts in a food processor. I mixed 2/3 cup of this meal with a box of Jiffy corn muffin mix and prepared per the directions. Smear them with cream cheese and honey, man, nothing better :wink: