what are some good books and websites about the Confederate Navy? you can have a brain meltdown trying to chose any number of books on the land war, but inever seem to be able to find much on the navy, other than the standard stuff about the Hunley or the battle of the iron clads in hampton roads. was there a Confederate States Marine Corps? iwould assume so, the origin of marines being riflemen stationed in the tops to spray the enemys deck with rifle fire during a close quarters battle. i have always been interested in both the C.S.S Alabama and her sister ship the Florida. both have an incrediable story and an impressive record. with both ships only the officers where southern. although the Florida did run run the blockade into Moblie to refit and repair, and was later illegally captured and destroyed by them durn yankees. the majority of the crew was british, french, irish, german and i know for a fact that there at least 4 canadians on the Alabama. heres a fact some of you may or may not know, but after the war the U.S government sold of some of the better built captured ironclads such as the C.S.S Tennessee to Japan where they served as battleships into the 1880's.
one reason why i'm interested is at a family reunion this past july someone mentioned they had found a possiable record of a family member in england who shipped out on one of the english built cruisers, but it hasn't been confirmed. i do know that my dad has a cousin who is a B-17 pilot with the Confederate Air Force!
i blame my interest in the ACW and the CSA on large quantites of Dukes Of Hazzard reruns as a child. nothing prettier than a hemi orange charger with a battle flag on top and dixie playing horn.!