i swear, i can finally, after posting on this site all these months, hold my head high! finally we have somebody on this site who recognizes the REAL potential of converting the .45-70. when i think of how many guys have asked about recoil, eye-relief for scopes, comp'ing of barrels, etc.etc. etc. ad nauseaum.....i finally feel relief with someone who is willing to go where no handi-holic has ever gone before! i mean it, tanoose. nobody has ever posted about a real hot-rodding of this rifle.
i am asking you please, no, dagg-nab-it, i'm Begging you, however, to consider the 450 watts magnum in place of that 470 nitro conversion :-) you see, the 450 watts mag' is capable of putting 500 gr's of lead 'downstream' at 2500 fps which makes the .470 nitro at 2150fps' look rather anemic. it's academic, really. the .450 watts is the only answer.....regardless of any reaming, chamber insert, etc.etc.etc. that may be involved.
astly, i beg of you: don't spoil it with safety glasses or goggles, no face-shield, no flack jacket/vest, NO LIFE INSURANCE, and for damn sure, no tying the rifle to a tree to test it. i'm begging you to test it from the prone position, shooting over concrete or asphalt like none of these other guys has ever done, and filing a report with us as soon as you get back from the hospi.................back from the range! :wink:
yep, i'm finally feeling real good about being a part of the 'GBO' team of posters.
thank you, tanoose,
ss' in n.e. ohio
ps: i think you spelled your town wrong! it's not Bellerose! it's spelled Bellicose!
pps: heaven be praised for you, tanoose!