Author Topic: Any handoads would be greatly appreciated for the 375 H&  (Read 757 times)

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Offline Bigboar

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Any handoads would be greatly appreciated for the 375 H&
« on: January 19, 2006, 08:58:51 AM »

Well I finally put it together now I need handloads.  It will be used mainly on deer and such but a safari is in the works.  So any handoads would be greatly appreciated.

bigboar :grin:

Offline Redhawk1

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Any handoads would be greatly appreciated f
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 10:07:22 AM »
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Offline Grumulkin

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375 H&H Magnum Loads
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2006, 10:37:26 AM »
For 270 and 300 grain bullets I have had good success with RL-15, CCI 250 primers and Federal cases.  I'm not going to give you a specific load as far as powder weight is concerned since you should determine this by consultation with a loading manual and will vary depending on your gun and the specific components you use.

I start my loads to the middle or lower end of the recommended loads.  Generally I've found that as a load is increased accuracy will improve to a point and then the groups will widen again.  I use the load with the best accuracy and don't try to go for maximum loads though at times the best accuracy will occur near the recommended maximum.  I of course check the primers, watch for sticky cases, etc. in working up a load.

Offline EsoxLucius

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Any handoads would be greatly appreciated f
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2006, 10:56:37 AM »
A load I use for North American game is the 225 grain Hornady Spire Point over 70 grains of H4895 in Remington brass capped with a CCI 250 primer.  This is 4.8 grains under published maximum but plenty good for deer, black bear, hogs, elk and moose.  The brown bears might need something a little heavier, like the 270 grain Hornady Spire Point over 82 grains of H4350.

For African Plains game there have been good reports on the 260 grain Nosler Accubond.  83 grains of H4350 will move it right along.

For dangerous game in Africa a pretty good choice would be the 300 grain Swift A-Frame.  Again H4350 is a pretty good bet.  80 grains should be more than enough.
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Offline jro45

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Any handoads would be greatly appreciated f
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2006, 10:32:06 AM »
I've been working on getting the 300 gr bullet and the 270 gr bullet and the 250 gr bullet to go to the same place at 150 yds with my 375 H&H. So far the 300 and the 270 look pretty good but the 250 wants to go to the left. Might have to slow it down some. It's doing 2724 fps :D

Offline Steven Dzupin

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Any handoads would be greatly appreciated f
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2006, 05:44:11 AM »
If you want lots of cheap pratice,try these:

Lyman 375449 lino alloy gas ckecked bullets.

15 grains of Unique or 22 Grains of Blue dot.

I've even had nice results with 44 grs of IMR 4064.

The above worked very well in my Remmy 700 Safari.



Offline Larry Gibson

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Re: Any handoads would be greatly appreciated for the 375 H&
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2006, 10:19:45 AM »

"Well I finally put it together now I need handloads.  It will be used mainly on deer and such but a safari is in the works.  So any handoads would be greatly appreciated."

These loads do well for my purposes in my M70 three six bits;

Hornady 270 SP or Speer 270 SPBT over 73 gr of Varget in W-W cases (WLR primer). Velocity is right at 2700 fps with either bullet.

Speer's 285 gr Grand Slam over 70 gr of Varget runs 2620 fps and is my choice for Elk or large bears.

With 300 gr bullets (Hornady and Siearra) I use 69 gr of Varget which runs 2587 fps.  I have not loaded any FMJs yet but will probably use Varget also. I use Varget powder because it is an Extreme powder and not temperature sensitive. Varget also gives very good loading density without compression and has always given excellent accuracy and velocity.

For practice I use a hardcast 377449 (water quenched WWs) at 270 gr. over 46 gr of milsurp 4895. a one gr dacron filler is used with these loads. Velocity is right at 2200 fps with 2 1/2 MOA accuracy. It will thump a deer pretty well also, compare it to the 375 Winchester.

For rabbits, grouse and ptarmigan I use a .375 Hornady RB (lightly lubed with Lee's liquid alox) over 4 gr or Bullseye (no wad or filler necessary). These shoot into 1 1/2" at 50 yards and run 893 fps. They shoot to point of aim at 50 yards with the tip of the bottom duplex in my scope.

Those are the loads I currently use, they work great in my rifle. Usual caveat; work up in your rifle (looks nice BTW).

Larry Gibson

Offline Larry Gibson

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Re: Any handoads would be greatly appreciated for the 375 H&
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2006, 10:23:39 AM »

"Well I finally put it together now I need handloads.  It will be used mainly on deer and such but a safari is in the works.  So any handoads would be greatly appreciated."

These loads do well for my purposes in my M70 three six bits;

Hornady 270 SP or Speer 270 SPBT over 73 gr of Varget in W-W cases (WLR primer). Velocity is right at 2700 fps with either bullet.

Speer's 285 gr Grand Slam over 70 gr of Varget runs 2620 fps and is my choice for Elk or large bears.

With 300 gr bullets (Hornady and Siearra) I use 69 gr of Varget which runs 2587 fps.  I have not loaded any FMJs yet but will probably use Varget also. I use Varget powder because it is an Extreme powder and not temperature sensitive. Varget also gives very good loading density without compression and has always given excellent accuracy and velocity.

For practice I use a hardcast 377449 (water quenched WWs) at 270 gr. over 46 gr of milsurp 4895. a one gr dacron filler is used with these loads. Velocity is right at 2200 fps with 2 1/2 MOA accuracy. It will thump a deer pretty well also, compare it to the 375 Winchester.

For rabbits, grouse and ptarmigan I use a .375 Hornady RB (lightly lubed with Lee's liquid alox) over 4 gr or Bullseye (no wad or filler necessary). These shoot into 1 1/2" at 50 yards and run 893 fps. They shoot to point of aim at 50 yards with the tip of the bottom duplex in my scope.

Those are the loads I currently use, they work great in my rifle. Usual caveat; work up in your rifle (looks nice BTW).

Larry Gibson