Author Topic: Deer hunting dilema....  (Read 768 times)

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Offline bigbore442001

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Deer hunting dilema....
« on: November 09, 2005, 10:53:45 AM »
Ok. Here is my situation. I put up a treestand on a small ridge bisected by an old logging road. I am at the top of the ridge facing northwest. The road runs southwest to northeast. The buck made a scrape to my right about 25 yards away.

I did some in season scouting last week after work and had kicked up two deer in that spot, thus it is why I picked the stand location.

Anyways. I hunted after work on Monday and saw no deer. It was warm and the scrape was covered in leaves.

I hunted Tuesday afternoon and saw that the deer had freshened up the scrape. Again, hunted till dark and no deer.

Today my dad went in the morning and saw that the whole area was trashed and scraped up. I decided to use some James Valley scent paste and dipped several sticks in and around my stand, including the branch overhanging the scrape itself. I did not hunt after work today due to some added work at home.

I am able to be in my stand hunting at 3:30 PM and hunt until 5:00 PM. That is set in stone. I cannot change that fact. I leave my classroom at 3:00 PM and no earlier. I cannot do it, unless the school caught on fire so to speak. So hunting earlier is not an option. I have all my stuff ready int the truck and do a quick sponge bath and dress in the woods. So I am hunt ready by 3:30 PM.

I may be able to hunt before work until 8:15 AM next week. I was wondering if anyone had that situation, what would they do?

Would you hunt the same hours in the same spot hoping that the deer will come by? Again, increased scraping.

Would you move your stand further in the woods in the hope of catching him on time?

Any suggestions are very welcomed.

Offline muzzleblast525

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« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 10:57:16 AM »
Cough!  Cough! Sniff! Sniff!

Offline Graybeard

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Deer hunting dilema....
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 11:20:03 AM »
I don't hunt over scrapes because of the scrape or scrapes. Only if some thing else tells me to hunt there and a scrape just happens to also be nearby do I hunt even close to one. Waste of time in my opinion.

Deer mostly scent check them from well down wind and mostly at night. When doing so if you're there they are probably smelling you and not coming in and besides most of the activity is happening when you are not there but in bed at home asleep.

I'd find an area where the deer are feeding regularly or passing thru regularly on their way between food and bedding areas and hunt that. In fact I always do just that.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline marylandeer

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Deer hunting dilema....
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2005, 04:09:38 PM »
:D Graybeard said it well. I don't hunt scrapes either, they usually don't produce for me. But I did fool a buck one time into coming in to check a scape. This method may work for you as well if you want to continue to hunt the scrape. Try placing one of those drip bags over the scrape, dump a few bottles of a good doe in heat scent in it. The drip bags only drip during the day when the sun is hitting the bag. This fools the buck into thinking he's missing out on a hot doe during the daytime.

Offline myronman3

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Deer hunting dilema....
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2005, 04:30:17 PM »
they can check them at night, but usually i see a few nice bucks checking scraps during mid-day.   this last monday i took a 1/2 vacation day and snuck out in the woods.   at 2:30  a dandy buck came through and was cross checking his scraps (not following trails).   if he would have followed the trail the scrap is on he would be hanging in my garage right now.    they dont get big by accident.

Offline PEPAW

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Deer hunting dilema....
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2005, 01:13:07 AM »
Sounds like you are near the rut.  I would try to find some doe feeding areas (fields, acorns, etc. ) and stake them out.   Lots of ways to catch a buck, but hunting where the does are during the rut will pay off eventually.


Offline hillbill

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scrape hunting
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2005, 03:24:26 PM »
all good advice. but regardless, hunt where yu can when yu can. yu wont shoot a deer off the couch. well thats not entirely true either but yu know what i mean! lol