Butler Ford 45, Here is what I would do if I were you. Buy a pound or Pyrodex "RS", one pound of Goex "Cartridge", a pound of CleaNshot or 777, and if you can find it Elephant FFg. Load up ten rounds of each for each gun you intend to shoot them in. Then bench rest test fire these test loads (five rounds per target) in each gun you will use them in. Keep good records and when you get a load that shots small groups in several guns, you are most of the way there. Then load 50 rounds for each gun and shot all fifty rounds thru each gun. If the guns maintain accuracy and do not foul out. You are done. If they foul out then you need to work on the lube (more of it) this is usually a result of the bullet designed to carry enough BP lube. Always try to solve barrel fouling with more lube on the bullet (large grease grooves). Forget about wonder wads and grease cookies, these things are overly complicated and a result of using the WRONG bullet design. If the fouling is in front of the cylyder or the pin on SAA then simply grease them better before you start (crysco or borebutter). Hope this helps. If you were my next door neighbor, we could have this stuff whipped this afternoon. Make Smoke!