Willysjeep 134, no, I've never bothered to run it over the PACT. It sure does the job at fairly short ranges for me. It's down in the low 20's here now so I won't have the PACT set up probibly till spring, but when I do, I'll run a few over it and see just what they do.
I would think that your C&B with a 12in bbl should do OK at fairly short ranges if you can place the bullet EXACTLY where you want it. I take ONLY shots that will break the back or neck, standing shots only, and usualy try to hit them just at the top of the frt shoulder in the back bone. I realy am too old to have to track deer and to lazy to have to drag them, so I shoot from a perminat blind on private property where I can drive my Quad right to them.
I don't shoot moveing deer at all any more. And I don't shoot deer if I don't have a place to rest my arms on. After my little stroke and then the heart attacks, I'm too shaky to shoot without a rest.
At the blind I hunt from and the ranges I shoot from, if it was legal I could shoot most of my deer with a good 22lr pistol, but Ilike the 45. I have thought about taking one with my 32H&R Mag with the Federal JHP's, just to say I done it once, but probibly won't.
This last couple years it's gotten to be more work than fun to hunt, and this year I only went out for about 3 hours the first day, didn't see anything and couldn't work up the ambition to go again. I've been thinking of giving it up completly as it just ain't the fun it was before the stroke and heart attacks. Maybe I'll feel diferently next year.
I hopeI do. I used to live for the Deer season. It was the most fun time of the year for me. But age and illness has taken much of the fun out of it any more.