Cookieman has a valid and very important question that needs to be answered before we can venture an informed opinion. What type of hunting do you do most and in what type of terrain/cover? How long are the average and exceptional shots going to be? I prefer a 12 gauge smoothbore with Brenneke slugs, at $4.00 a box thats about 1/4 the cost of sabots, very accurate to 50+ yards and a constant and reliable deer killer out to 75 yards. If you can shoot the Remington, Federal, or Winchester rifled slugs accurately out to your deer killing range/distance you can get those slugs on sale for about $2.00 a box or even a little less than that. H&R still has some smoothbore Tracker I rifle sighted barrels available in 12 and 20 gauge which they "found" somewhere in the factory. I have a 12 and ordered a 20 gauge Tracker I barrel, just because I guess. They are about $50.00. Get back to us with the distance you usually shoot deer at (my average shot in Maine is under 40 yards!!!) and the type of cover you hunt as well as the type of hunting you do, sit on stand all day or still hunt and put on miles a day in the woods through thick stuff. There are several options with these fine little shotguns, each best for a particular type and style of hunter and hunting situation, however each will work in others situations also....<><.... :grin: