Gents,I learned to trap beaver with footholds.As a matter of fact,the very first trap I set for them,caught 4 beavers in 4 nights.I used footholds and drowning wires for many years.
Then one day---Isaw the light---I purchased some of the Montgomery#600 body grippers--these were approximately 8 1/2"x8 1/2".
I used this trap for several years,I still used some footholds--and I caught beaver . I had passed on using 330s for one reason---- I was afraid of them.All this changed the day I had 4 beavers caught in my #600s--by the front foot.I was using body grippers to avoid dealing with live beaver.It was then I made one of the best choices I have ever made----I switched to 330s.
For the last several years all I set for beaver are 330s,haven't set a single foothold for them in 6 or 7 years---my Montgomery #600s were sold,and that money was put into 330s.
330s are my only tool for beaver---you heard me--my only tool.Now people will argue with me on the need for footholds,and the need for snares,to take beaver.Thats fine--use what you feel comfortable with.I have my comfort zone locked in, and that is 330s.
The main reason I bring this up,I see many posts other places .The bulk of these are people trying to get by with 220s for beaver---they have no 330s and want to get by with what they have.The biggest problem with this,is that most of these guys are novices at taking flat tails---the very last thing they should be using is a trap that is way to small.In the hands of an experienced beaver boy, a 220 may have its place.In my world,these places are very few and far between.
If you want to catch beavers,use the right equipment---this goes for any animal you persue.I quit using the #600s because they lacked size---330s have the right size.
While on this subject---when using the larger body grippers---always---always---always---use a safety grippers.For several years,I was hit and miss on using this device---not anymore.I will not,and I repeat----I will not set a 330 without using a safety grippers.They cost $5.95 and $6.95 each ,depending on the brand---cheaper insurance cannot be had.Once you start using them,you will find you are actually making sets faster than without them.You are not worried about the trap going off,so you can concentrate on making the set---not on watching the trap.
More to follow as we go along.