Author Topic: Best Combat Sight I Ever Used!  (Read 643 times)

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Offline lostone1413

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Best Combat Sight I Ever Used!
« on: November 06, 2005, 05:41:59 AM »
Awhile back I wrote on some of the froums about a new sight a gunsmith in Sedona Arizona came out with. It is called a Hex Site. I wanted to know if anyone has used them. No one had used them but had some ask me if I try them to write my thought on them. So here are my thoughts on the sight and a little why I decided to try his sight.

First about what made me try them. Heading to my upper 50s my eyes are getting real bad. It was to the point after a few shots I could barely see the front sight let alone focus on it. I strated with just the 3dot sights that my Sig had. When it was hard to see them I went with the night sights. Using the night sights made no improvement. After thinging about it I thought maybe a bigger sight would make the difference. So I went the the Express Big Dot sight. My eyes couldn't even focus on them.

When I got the Big Dot Sights I brought them to the Gunsmith in Sedona to get them put on. I found his name in the phone book Until I brough the gun to him I had never know him. As I talked to him I was telling him how bad my eyes were and that is why I needed a Big Dot Sight. He told me about a sight he came out with. One you look through not at. He said it was a combat sight. I only was half way listening thinking it was just a sales pitch. So I droped the Sig off and picked it up in a day or two with my Big Dot Sights.
After getting the Big Dot Sight I thought now my troubles were over. It seemed to work for me until a shoot about 1/2 a box. Then just like the other sights I couldn't hardly see it let alone focus on it.
One day sitting home thinking maybe my shooting days were drawing to a close I started to think about that gunsmith what he said. A sight I don't have to focus with but just look through.I remember thinking if it could only work. I let a few weeks go by and decided what the hell all the sights i've tried what is one more.
I took my Sig to him and had him put on his Hex Site. All I can say is it works!! With the Sight I would say my accuracy and my speed of getting on target has improved by way over 50%.Anyone who is serious about Combat Shooting (the only shooting that can save your life) No matter your age or how good or bad your eyes our I would strongly recommend you look into the HEX SITE!My shooting went from not being able to hardly see my Sight to having a Sight I don't look at I look through. Now for me a 4inch diameter post at 20 to 30 yards I hit just about every shot. That for me is a big improvement. If it did that for me imagine what it could do for you.
Just a couple more things. One I have no interest in the Sight I make no money and I still pay for any gun work he does the same price you would pay. I wote this because the Sight impressed me so much and I sure other shooters would have an open mind and check it out.
You can read about the Sight and get some info at Check them out and let me know what you think of them after you read about them or if you get them if they did for you what they have done for me I you want to let me know what you think you can private E-Mail me if you want so your sure I see it

Offline Sport45

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Best Combat Sight I Ever Used!
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2005, 09:56:09 AM »
Seems to be the same principle as the "One Ragged Hole" site. Only a hex instead of a circle. Haven't tried one, but they look interesting for target work.

Offline papajohn428

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Best Combat Sight I Ever Used!
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2005, 05:55:27 AM »
I'm not quite fifty yet, but my eyesight has gone seriously south over the last couple of years, and after having incredibly good eyesight all my life, this sucks.  My problem isn't seeing the sights, it's more that I can't focus on three things at once, i.e., the rear sight, the front sight, and the target.  I can focus clearly on the two closer ones, or the farther one, but not all three at once.  I can get to where I shoot well with a lot of practice, but it takes CONSTANT practice now, where before I could just shoot well at will.  All my rifles now wear glass, but since I carry a pistol on duty, I'm looking for anything that can give me back what I once had.  Part of the problem is that as my eyes age, the muscles can't make the lens flex like it used to, and seeing anything up close is VERY difficult.  I've learned to superimpose the front sight down into the middle of the rear sight, but I still have to focus more on the target than anything else, to hit it.  I'm still what I consider moderately proficient with my duty gun, but in trying to stay that way, I've had to fire over fifty thousand rounds thru my duty gun in the past three years.  I reload my ammo, and refuse to use lead bullets because of the smoke/dirt factor, so I've spent something close to five grand on pistol ammo in those three years, just for the one gun I carry.  That doesn't take into account the other handguns I shoot, which also involves another grand or two.  I think the only reason I can still shoot as well as I can is because I shoot so much, and I think muscle memory and training plays a big part.  At this point I'm shooting with a flash sight picture, rather than a better-defined one, because that's the best I can see.  The other key is learning to shoot double-action well, something I've worked hard at for the past twenty years.  But if there's a sighting system that will make me a better shot with my aging eyes, I'd love to see it!

Papajohn the Bald,Blinking Bat
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