Well I got two turkeys (hens) with my 10 guage H&R this weekend. Actually, the first, on Saturday morning, was one of the most exciting hunting experiences I have ever had. I literally had 100+ turkeys within eyeshot, and who knows how many more were further into the woods. I have never seen so many. I had to be quite patient to let them get close. There were so many that they did not respond to my call, too much noise coming from real turkeys I suppose. Fortunately for me the flock (is that correct for a group of turkey?) was slowly moving my direction. To further complicate things 6-7 deer (all does except for 1 spike buck) arrived on the scene getting within about 20 yards of me. A couple saw me, but weren't sure what they were looking at, so they just trotted off. They shortly worked their way around behind me where they could smell me. One started snorting/whistling and stomping its hooves. I thought my game was up, but the turkeys seemed to be occupied with feeding, mating attempts, and general unrulyness. Eventually they got within about 20 yards when I finally took one. If they had gotten much closer I would certainly have been discovered. Between the turkey, deer, and fox squirrels who were running around all of this as well, I have never been surrounded by so much wildlife at such close quarters. It was truly an amazing experience and I felt I had to share with you guys.
Anyhow, the 10 guage performed perfectly. In the field I never felt the recoil or heard the noise for that matter (funny how that works). It is a nice, simple firearm that did just what it was asked, when it was asked.
By the way, I was hunting in Allen Co, Kentucky about 20 minutes from Bowling Green along Bays Fork of Trammel Creek.