Author Topic: What Ranges have you sighted the rifle and shotgun?  (Read 766 times)

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Offline dougk

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What Ranges have you sighted the rifle and shotgun?
« on: December 12, 2005, 04:36:51 PM »
I am currently setup for 50 yards for the shotgun and 100 yards for the rifle.  I am thinking of going to 200 yards for the rifle and 100 yards for the shotgun shooting a slug.  Does anyone have this setup?  Any thoughts?

Offline Drilling Man

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What Ranges have you sighted the rifle and
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2005, 04:01:08 AM »
Years ago i sorted that all out for "me".  It may not work for "you" though.

  I decided on 2" high at 100 yards for my big game hunting rifles.  That pretty much puts me on at 200 and if i "happen" to shoot further than 200, i hold a bit high on (but still on) the target.

  I've shot more game under 100 than over, so on closer shots i know i'm dead on!

  As for slugs, for me they have always just been "close range" back up.  I put a couple in my drilling for, "just in case" but i wouldn't use them on a longer shot.  Instead i spend my time makeing the first shot count, or after i fire the rifle bbl., for reloading it.

  I "pick" my shots, and let everything else go to come back another day.

  Drilling Man

Offline wink_man

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What Ranges have you sighted the rifle and
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2005, 04:50:16 PM »
Hello Doug,
     You're thinking along the same lines I am. I have my IZH-94 all setup, but haven't gotten it to the range yet, and don't know when I'll get there but, I have it setup with see thru rings, and a Leupold VariX-II scope. I plan on sighting in the 06 barrel with the scope for 200 yards, which should put the 06 bullet about 2 1/2 inches high at 100 yards. (what Drilling Man says is very true about shooting most game inside 100 yards). I'm going to use 3 inch foster slugs, and sight the slugs in with the iron sights 3 inches high at 50 yards, which should put it dead on at 75-80 yards, and about 2 inches low at 100 yards. I know you're using a scope for both, and have that point of impact you stated with the scope, but I just don't trust the impact to be where I want it with just a scope, besides, I do want the see thru, so I can use the 12 with birdshot and be able to get on running or flying critters. Let me know, when you raise the point of impact for the 06 barrel to 200 yards, where the slugs hit, in correlation to it, I'd be interested to know, and when I get to the range with mine, I'll let you know. Pic of my IZH-94 enclosed below.
Garry" title="Hosted Free at" target="_blank">" border="0">
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Offline dougk

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What Ranges have you sighted the rifle and
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2005, 02:23:11 PM »
I am going to keep the 30-06 at 100 yrds for the rifle and 50 yrds for the shotgun.  I remember reading somewhere that the gun is factory set at 100 and 50 yrds respectively.  

Have you tried the rifled and turkey choke from Heritage?  The Remington slugs are very accurate with the rifled chokes and the turkey choke has taken a turkey at 67 yards.

Also, I use 2-7 x scope on the gun and have been playing with steel BB's with the Modified choke for ground or flying critters with the scope on 2x.

I have been recently been looking at other combos or drillings and just have not found one as versatile as the Baikal with the screw in rifled and turkey chokes.


Offline wink_man

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What Ranges have you sighted the rifle and
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2005, 03:07:14 PM »
     No, I haven't tried those choke tubes, I plan on keeping the improved cylinder choke in the gun so slugs & birdshot can be used intermittently as needed, don't want to be changing chokes. I have had good luck and good accuracy with foster slugs and smootbore barrels, so unless this particular gun is unusal, or a problem, I think it will be fine. Again, I view the combination gun differently than most, I view is as a survival gun, the gun I'd take if I had to put a bugout pack together quickly and leave the house, or area, and be able to survive & eat. The most I want to change in that situation, is a shotgun shell, be it a slug or birdshot.
     Doug, if you are using steel shot, you may want to check the owners manual, I remember reading somewhere, that steel shot was ok in a Baikal, as long as you were using a choke that was extended out past the end of the barrel, otherwise damage to the choke and/or barrel threads might result. I didn't pay a whole lot of attention, because it is not an issue for me, but I do distinctly recall reading it somewhere, you might want to check it out, because, like we say about the old style Savage 24's(and we can now say about the IZH-94), "They ain't making them anymore".
'Life is to short to hang with an ugly woman, or hunt with an ugly gun' - Garry
'It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't' Ronald Reagan
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