To begin with, the 788 was Remington's low end, el cheapo rifle. Ugly as home-made soap. I think they began selling a well under $100. I know I paid less than $100 for my first one. However, they would shoot like a house afire. Right out of the box. Also they were the basis for a number of prize winning bench rifles. Rumor has it that they were cutting into the sales of Remington's Flagship 700s and were outshooting them.
Bases on that, most 788 owners have hung onto them and the price has climbed accordingly. I've seen plain jane 788s that were listed at over $400. I know the ones I have will shoot and I ain't selling. The comment about the rebarrel was kinda tongue in cheek as I have very little regard for the .243 and do have a 788 that I rebarreled to a .260. And I do have a 700adl that I had rebarreled to a 7-08.
Back in Okla, I had a 788 in .223 that I used for a truck gun with a 4x Weaver on it. It would shoot sub MOA groups all day long. Fool that I was, I let it get away from me.