I also live, breathe, fish, and hunt in PA. When it came time to choose a Contender cartridge to hunt deer with, I found a 14", .375 Win. barrel for sale, brand new. I knew that it was going to be a hand thumper, but I also found the chambering interesting and different from what everyone else was using (there's also something about sliding that big, straight-walled cartridge in the chamber of a handgun). The barrel has no break on it, and I find the recoil quite manageable, and I am no large man. To be totally honest, my brother-in-law's .44 mag Super Blackhawk has a sharper recoil.
If I could do it all over again, I'd still stay with the .375 Win. but I really liked the 7-30 and 30-30, and would some day like to try one. If recoil is an issue, you can always get a barrel with a break...yes they're a lot louder, but they do manage alot of nasty recoil.
There is nothing wrong with any of the cartridges listed in any of the responses that you got. I'd trust every one for hunting deer here in PA, and since we are not limited to the handgun cartridges here in PA, you have a lot of options.
Good luck on your choice.