My first Marlin was a model 60 in .22 r.f., jammed every 3 rounds, sent it to a warranty station, the guy fixed it, but it looked like he had dropped it a few times as it had more scratches on it from when I left it with him. He must have hated Marlin guns. :eek: Then the gun started jamming again a few years later despite me cleaning it religiously and it having low mileage. Sold it.
My next one was a Marlin Model 25 bolt action in .22 rimfire. The bottom mounting screw kept shaking loose, kept getting one shot fliers, and the steel was soft where the bolt locks into the action, despite keeping it well oiled and greased, got rid of it. I was amazed that the cheap sheet metal extractor worked, but it did! :shock:
My next Marlin was a Model 336 lever action in 30-30, had decent fit and finish but was rubbing wrong with the lever on the receiver, had quite a scrape of the bluing rubbed off. It seemed to have wear problems inside the receiver as well, despite good care and little usage. Sold it.
At least I will say this for Marlin, their guns are accurate, except for the flyer in the Model 25, they do shoot pretty good. I have been unhappy with the 3 Remington long guns I used to own, but man, Remington is way better than Marlin!