Hello again,
After the thrashing i recently took, I would like to formallt introduce myself. I am Dave jackson from McBean GA. I am a married father of two kids, 9 and 11. I install automatic fire protection systems.
I have been hunting small and large game since I was a small child. I learned to love the outdoors and nature from my Dad and many other family members. I was taught to respect the game you hunt as well as the innocent bystanders( woodpeckers, non game animals, raptors, snakes, songbirds, etc.) and only take what you will use. To this day I live by this ideal.
I am continually involved in introducing kids to the outdoors, especially those who have no one to teach them. I love to take a kid along to show them the things that fascinated me the first time that I saw them. Things like live animals and birds, nests, burrows, trails, tracks, different trees, and everything else that I can teach them in the time that I have them. My father taught hunter sefety and I volunteer my time to do the same. The young people are our future and we ALL need to invest in them !!
I also have a vast knowledge of firearms, bullets and ballistics. I have gained this knowledge not only from the hundreds of books in my library but from experience in the field and at the bench. I have reloaded and shot many cartridges from the most minute centerfires up to the .50 BMG.
My hunting resume includes over 100 whitetails with weapons including both compound and recurve bows, .223, .243, 30-30, 7mm mag, .308, 30/06, 35 Rem., .444 Marlin, .44mag rifle and pistol, and 12 ga. shotgun.
So you can see that the "bleeding heart" and "anti hunter" remarks were WAAAAAAAY off base. We process all the deer we take ourselves and as of right now, my freezer is well stocked as I have taken 7 deer so far this season.
Again, I meant no disrespect to man or beast with the other post and did not aim to offend or enrage anyone. This was just a thought from an open minded hard core hunter and lover of ALL nature.
I wish you ALL a Merry CHRISTmas.