A Stevens 200 in .243 269.95
Simmons Master prohunter 99.00
Weaver bases and Rings 27.00
Web carry strap 9.95
It' the best I could do for a cheap gun in this neck of the woods. Now this is not my go to rifle for deer . I have a dandy Browning for that. It will ride in the truck. Now still the perplexing load question: I ONLY HAVEthe following to work with.one can of imr 4350, Nosler 95grn ballistic tip,Hornady 100grn interlock Speer .85grn spbt and Sierra gameking 85.grn bthp. I like to send them down range as fast as possible. I used to use nosler .85solidbase hp . I know nothing about the 95 grn balistic tip for deer size game. One more thing, my old reload books give heavier charges and higher vel with imr 4350. I coronographed some Sierras last summer 45/4350/85grn gamekingbt hp vel av. 3337 in a 22" bbl Ma
Many thanks to all of you who have put up with my questions, I reall appreciate it.