Author Topic: Boycott Cabelas  (Read 1452 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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Boycott Cabelas
« on: January 14, 2006, 08:00:21 AM »
:twisted: Check out this link.

While I have no problem with "LEGAL" immigration, I am a firm believer that the mass number of illegal immigrants in this country is a cancer that will lead to the downfall of America as we know it.  And the sad part, they continue to come with the help and endorsement of both the current adminstration and the Mexican government.

For many businesses it is a plus, they can hire cheap labor, provide no benifits, and greatly increase their profit margin.  But in doing so, many Americans are put out of work.  In some areas there are no jobs for American youngsters becaause illegals are hired in jobs they would take, usually at below minimum wage.  When management at Wal-Mart, Burger King, GE, and the federal government hire illegals over American citizens, then something is wrong with the system.  FEMA currently has hundreds of illegal aliens working in New Orleans, while citizens of that city live in temp quarters and draw welfare.  There is really something wrong with that picture.

I understand Mr. Shildhaver, while a Cabelas employee,  simply made a statement simular to the above comments, while off duty, and not on company property, yet he was fired for his views.  Many of you, like myself, served in the military to ensure civil rights are provided to all Americans.  It goes against the grain to learn a company such as Cabelas would terminate an employee simply because he stated his views on a situation that is a real, and present problem to the American way of life.

If you agree that the illegal situation is a problem, and that Mr. Shildhaver was right in expressing his constitutional right to free speech, then drop a line to Cabelas and let them know. Hummm, does Cabelas have illegals on their payroll?:x  :x  :x

 :wink: Calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a burglar an uninvited house guest.  JMHO.

Offline Cowpox

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2006, 08:48:15 AM »
You are the bearer of bad news rockbilly.  Cabelas has in recent years, been my "Go To" place for most of my outdoor gear.  I will have to explore this a little more, to make sure it isn't retribution for a big donation to the NRA or the wrong political party.  If it turns out to be fact, I will sure miss buying from them.  Lucky for them, they don't really need my business, but it will make me feel better if I find other outdoor retailers.
I rode with him,---------I got no complaints. ---------Cowpox

Offline quickdtoo

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2006, 09:14:32 AM »
Do an internet search for Boycott Cabelas, you'll find lots on it, it's not new, the incident happened a few years ago. Even the KKK has lots of interest in it.
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Offline Patriot_1776

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2006, 01:07:46 PM »
I'm really disappointed to hear that.  I've been a pretty good customer for them...seems I will have to watch more closely of whom I buy my gear from now on.

rockbilly wrote:

Calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a burglar an uninvited house guest.

I love that!  Mind if I use it in my signature?


Offline 379 Peterbilt

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2006, 06:45:15 PM »
I dont care who said or did what.

I one wants good quality gear at an affordable price, Cabelas is the place. I have yet to find another biz that can touch 'em on the whole.

If everybody knew the dirt on each and every company out there, and thus boycotted, you wouldnt have anywhere to shop.

Offline williamlayton

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2006, 01:37:43 AM »
Yes, I believe yoy would and the company that filled the spot would listen to all that has been said.
Stick your hand in a bucket of water, remove it and see what kind of hole you left.
I have a feeling this story has more of an inside political "rest of the story" bent too it. Some idiot wishing to climb the political/corporate ladder, and willing to do so over any "body" he can use.
I would agree with the boycott as these folks are not good citizens.

Offline mr.frosty

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« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2006, 01:38:59 AM »
I saw this also and I'm wondering if there isn't more to this whole
thing. I mean fire someone cause they spoke about something, thats not right. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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Offline Datil

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Boycot Cabelas
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2006, 02:30:22 AM »
I just got a catalog from Cabelas , There prices look higher than
 Midway USA, I have never order from Cabelas, Might never!
 Midway USA has always gave me good service. thank you,
 My 2 cents Marv.

Offline IntrepidWizard

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2006, 04:50:34 AM »
As I remember it was a couple of years ago and I reacted as you all have and then looked into it and there was more to the guy that was fired so I stayed with Cabellas which beats the Old stand by A&F.
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Offline Patriot_1776

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« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2006, 05:28:55 AM »
After reading a little more about this, I think Cabela's was acting more out of concern for the name and reputation of the company than anything else.  The media has a way of distorting information, and along with perhaps throwing Cabela's name into the picture, it might have sounded like Cabela's was responsible for this man's actions.    

Either way, it most likely won't affect my shopping habits there.


Offline jhm

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« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2006, 05:48:30 AM »
Even the KKK has lots of interest in it.  Now theres a real endorsement to hang your hats on, every Co. out there of any size has to protect their public immage and the Co. exec. didnt get to where they are without knowing that you dont say or do anything in public that is going to damage the Co. immage, thats real life weather you like it or not (remember the further you go up the corporate ladder the more your A$$ shows) :D   JIM

Offline JohnBT

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2006, 01:45:19 PM »
This has been kicked around since 2003 IIRC. Here's a typical post from one of the instigators...

Notice they don't address exactly what the guy was saying that got him canned.

Probably something to do with...

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The site we launched just last week,, is also spiking
up amazingly. As I record this program, I only have one day's worth of
rating data on, but that data shows that in just that
one day after we launched the site last week it went from nothing to the
top 58,000 Web sites in the world, reaching many thousands of people
this week alone with our message about Cabela's wrongdoing toward one of
our members.

Please come and see what we're doing with our new media, if you haven't
already. And we do need your support. While you're at the site, click on
the 'magazine' button at the top of the page, and subscribe to the
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Subscribing to the print version of National Vanguard will help support
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$36 worldwide to National Vanguard Books, PO Box 330, Hillsboro WV 24946

The reason I titled today's program "The Upward Spike" is because that's
the shape I saw when I looked at the audience graphs for our new site
this week. But "The Upward Spike" is more than just a graph supplied by
a rating firm. It's also a reference to what we're discovering more and
more. White people are hungry for media that speak to them and for them.
They're hungry for writing and reporting that resonates with the way the
world really is and the way the world really feels to them. They're
ready for explanations of why things are going so horribly wrong for
White men and women in the Western world today, for reasons why the
establishment seems to be against White people, and why the established
'liberal' and 'conservative' parties are fraudulent choices which
actually agree with each other on all of the fundamental things which
are destroying us. And they're ready to laugh with us at the absurdity
of the fantasy world that the little Wizards of Iz behind the curtains
try to put over on us. Not all of them are ready to join the National
Alliance yet -- but many of them, encouraged by our humor and
professionalism and honesty to keep reading our site -- to keep
listening to our radio broadcasts, will join with us as they come to see
that our explanation -- the biological, racial explanation -- of the Way
Things Are makes a lot more sense than the faux-moral and quack-science
egalitarian-Jewish explanation. They (the Jews) have the money and the
old media power. We have the truth, we have enthusiasm and momentum, and
we now have the new media power of a collaborative news site with all of
those things behind it. And more new media are coming. The Jews' tired
old egalitarian/universalist system is powerful now. But it is Ptolemaic
cosmology to our Copernican. Theirs is on the way out, as long as we
keep our eyes on the goal. That's The Upward Spike.

Until next time, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to do right
and fear no one.

The text above is based on a broadcast of the American Dissident Voices
radio program sponsored by National Vanguard Books.

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Offline Ocsamschainsaw

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2006, 05:04:05 PM »
If you're willing to pay double the price for your produce and restaurant services, pay way more for every consumer good due to trucking shortages, and pay more for gas due to the fact that South and Central American countries WOULD shut off crude supplies to us if we bagged and deported EVERY SINGLE illegal immigrant here...
I'm still waiting for Americans to give up their material wants to back up their moral desires. I don't see it happening anytime soon. No one wants to pay the piper, 'cause we as a country are dependent on this stuff and we don't like to admit it.
So I'll just keep shopping at Cabela's. They've got .17 HMR cheap nearby :D
WECSOG Madness-Hide Your Dremels!

Offline Nightrain52

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« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2006, 05:38:23 PM »
Ya got that right Ocsamschainsaw. Probably 90% of this countries produce is harvested by immigrants and illegal aliens. They are the only ones willing to work their a** off for minumim wage and 12 to 16 hour days with no overtime pay. A head of lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower would be $5.00 a head.

Offline Sore Shoulder

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2006, 08:02:28 AM »
Quote from: Nightrain52
Ya got that right Ocsamschainsaw. Probably 90% of this countries produce is harvested by immigrants and illegal aliens. They are the only ones willing to work their a** off for minumim wage and 12 to 16 hour days with no overtime pay. A head of lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower would be $5.00 a head.

If we spent some time setting up a better work visa program, the country would see a large upswing in income tax revenue, and probably a larger legitimate migrant worker population. The big problem is getting rid of those that are not productive workers, but leaches on our social programs. Those with work visas would be monitered as to whether they are working or not, and treated accordingly. This would also give the INS something productive to do for a change.

Offline dcnewyork

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« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2006, 03:37:58 PM »
Wow...I am shocked at the racism I smell in here!

Offline nomosendero

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2006, 05:46:21 PM »
I guess that I was not looking or "smelling" for the racism.

To me race has nothing to do with whether they are legal or illegal.

I just don't see why it matters if those who come here illegal are Mexicans
or Chinese, the dreaded European whites or whatever, either they are
legal or illegal, period.
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline grde

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2006, 05:51:12 AM »
Sometimes I wonder if we even have what could be classified as Civil Liberties anymore.  

Pat Buchanon said a while back that economic insecurity has stiffled free speech in America.  People are afraid to speak their minds because they are afraid they will either be fired or unable to find work.

Offline Ocsamschainsaw

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« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2006, 06:27:05 AM »
So to further liberty....
We'd tell private companies that they can't fire someone due to liability concerns?
So what happens when you decide to open up a small business, and you have an employee that could be causing you a LOT of trouble for whatever reason, and you are unable to fire him...
And due to the negative pr or whatever regarding his activities, your company sees huge profit plunges?
Is that right either?
WECSOG Madness-Hide Your Dremels!

Offline Ocsamschainsaw

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2006, 06:31:40 AM »
In addition..
Isn't Vanguard News (where some of the above articles originated) a front for various white supremacist organizations such as the Aryan Nations?
That sort of drivel belongs on some site like stormfront, in my opinion. Freedom loving, yeah right.
Freedom loving as long as you're white, American, and Christian.
Illegal or not, we've become dependent on immigrant labor. AGain, I repeat-if everyone's so against it, they could have stopped it DECADES ago by simply agreeing to pay out the yin yang for their consumer goods. But no one wants to do that-
And the same people who would kick out all the immigrants, thus increasing your consumer goods costs, also, surprise surprise, tend to be the ones who want to drastically cut back any sort of welfare, which I can guarantee you right now that WAY more people would be on, if the price of consumer goods rose.
The lowest section of the income levels spend far more of their income on consumer based goods than the upper levels by virtue of being unable to invest in various holdings, and this action, kicking out all the immigrants, would push many more down past the poverty line, which combined with the cuts in welfare promoted by so many of the same people who would kick said immigrants out...
equals many, many more people who would have to do what many of our nation's hard working folks have to do every day:
make decisions between medicine, food, and gas money.
WECSOG Madness-Hide Your Dremels!

Offline grde

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Boycott Cabelas
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2006, 09:07:40 AM »
I agree with the point about illegal immigration.  Many people like to complain about it, but they don't consider, or don't want to admit, that it is the reason produce is so cheap in this country.

I don't know how I feel about the issue of sanctioning speech.  To some extent I agree with the last post.  If you have an employee who is actively inciting hostility or threatening his or her co-workers or the company's customers, then it is one thing.  However, if a person merely has a differing political philosophy and chooses to express his or her believes outside of work, then I have to believe they have the right to do so.