Missed 2 deer this week with the Huntsman at around 100 to 75yds. I had just put a Simmons 25mm red dot scope on it. Sighted it in at 3'' high at 100yds on a bench using sandbags on the rear and a shooting stand under the front behind the forarm. Groups where 3'' so should have been good to go. I am using Hornaday 250gr. SST sabots and 2- 50gr. Pyodex pellets in a 50cal. I was looking at the set up this morning and the scope seems to set pretty high and with the Huntsman stock being low, don't think that I am getting my cheek planted on the stock tight enough. I have a sb2 receiver with a laminated Monte Carlo so put the barrel on it. I had allready used a peice of round pipe insulation under a slip on shell holder. Whats your guys take on this? Will it help or am I just wasting my time? Will head to the range in the morning and rezero and hope it works. Zeak