Author Topic: Your most accurate .44 mag load?  (Read 3395 times)

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Offline globemountain

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« on: March 10, 2003, 06:16:14 AM »
I recently purchased a SRH in .44 mag.  I have been working up test loads with 180 grain and 210 grain jacketed bullets.  I see some great potential here but I was wondering what kind of accuracy others are getting with their .44 mag loads.  Anyone care to share their experiences??...... :D
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Offline Zeus

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2003, 08:21:59 AM »
I have a few that I really like.  The first one is a practice load.  I have a 265 grain hardcast FP over 23 grains of W296.  This is very accurate from the 3 44's that I've tried it from.  My favorite in my 10.5" Ruger Super Blackhawk is a Dry Creek Bullet Works 313 grain RCBS SWC over 21.5 grains of W296.  I'm getting 1430 fps with that load and it shoots under 2" at 100 yards with my scope.  GS

Offline JJHACK

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2003, 08:46:11 AM »
Why such light bullets? The 240 grain bullet is the best all around bullet in this caliber. The short bullets lose energy so fast that the power is quite limited.

The 300+ grain weight has limited functionality against all bu the biggest of game.

The 225-265 grain weights will give you the best all around or Average functionality of them all. I have been doing this for a while and tried countless loads with mind boggling combinations. I find the simple 240 grain bullets with a stiff charge of 296 is about as good as it gets. For hunting I much prefer a hollow point fast expanding bullet driven fast, to a heavy hardcast bullet.

I know this seems to go against the current trend of Heavy hard cast bullets for hunting. The Hype surrounding those bullets was generated by guys hunting the extreme big game of the world. It seems that if those big heavy bullets were the "most powerful load" then they should be the best load. Well I beg to differ. I soft explosive hollowpoint bullet with a very high striking velocity will disrupt much more tissue on an animal under 500 pounds then the big solid hardcast bullet which will whistle through the animal like a fild tip arrow.  Most of the time the animal shows little to no reaction to being hit with those heavy solid bullits.

The flesh ripping HP's will often crumple the animal right on the spot by comparison.   Tyr to settle on the better BC of the heavier bullet, it will make the longer shots much more successful in the long run.

Offline Daveinthebush

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Speer 225
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2003, 11:06:09 AM »
My best ever load was with the Speer 225 HP.  Using 26 grains of W296 I once shot a 50 yard group that was measured with dial calipers to be .310 for three shots.  My Contender hates lead bullets, it is half or full jacketed or nothing.

The 225 has always beed a great bullet for me and has killed many a whitetail.
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Offline Graycg

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2003, 12:18:54 PM »
I use a 300 Grain LBT WFN gas check over 21.5 grains of H110 and Magnum primer.  Some folks above might be right about not needing 300 grains for anything but the bigger critters, but no 240 or lighter bullets will group like this bullet will!!  Use a 629 Classic with 2X scope off a rest and shoot 3.5 inch groups at 100 every single time, could probably do a mite better with a more powerful scope, but this is a  hunting gun.  I get no leading when the bullets are cast of water dropped wheel weights.
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Offline J.Solo

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2003, 05:23:05 PM »
24 grains of Win. 296 with a Hornady 240 grain XTP Hollow Point and Win. Large Pistol primers. Does it all from Deer down to Woodchucks. Good Luck - J.Solo

Offline Mikey

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44 loads
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2003, 03:58:11 AM »
globemountain:  I agree with JJHACK here.  The most accurate loads from my 44 Magnum Mountain Gun are the 240s, whether jacketed HPs, softnoses or hardcast over charges of 296/H110 or 2400.  Actually, I also like Elmer Keith's old load using a 250 grain hardcast bullet over 2400 powder.  The old ones still keep on working.  The 300 grain hardcast bullets are also pretty accurate but I like JJ's advice on bullet choices.  Mikey.

Offline globemountain

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What do you consider good accuracy ......
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2003, 04:14:51 AM »
What would you consider good accuracy out of a 7.5" revolver (.44 Mag.)?
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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2003, 06:28:34 PM »
:D I get good results with 21 gr. of 2400 with a gas checked 240 gr cast (from a LEE mold) bullet and CCi 350 primers.
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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2003, 12:01:08 PM »
The two best loads out of my S&W 629 PP are:

Hornady 300gr XTP-19.0gr WW296-FED 155 primers-Starline brass @ 1165fps

Hornady 240gr XTP-24.9gr WW296-FED 155 primers-Starline brass @ 1450fps

Each of these give me ~5" groups @ 100yds with a good rest.


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Most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2003, 06:50:31 PM »
I guess I'm at a disadvantage since I don't reload (yet). But I love my .44s, they're the most fun gun to shoot ever made. And the most accurate factory ammo for me is the Federal 300-gr. CastCore. The 240-gr. CCI Blazer is very accurate, too, but I wouldn't hunt with it. It tends to be a tad on the wimpy side.

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Offline JJHACK

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2003, 03:01:12 AM »
Old Griz, what game are you hunting that a 240 grain 44 mag bullet is "whimpy"?

Offline globemountain

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2003, 03:03:52 AM »
I don't think he meant that the 240 gr. bullet was whimpy..but that the Blazer loading in his opinion was "on the whimpy side"
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Offline Mikey

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44 mags
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2003, 04:01:33 AM »
globemountain:  I've had similar experiences with the 44 magnum, and I don't doubt a bunch of other fellas have too.  It seems that when you start busting caps on the real heavyweight loads, getting on back to standard magnum velocity loads and pressures make them seem so light that you would almost consider them 'whimpy'.  

I had taken up the effort with some heavily loaded 300 grainers in my Mountain Gun until I realized they were geting to be a bit much and I wasn't going to be hunting anything I would need that bullet for, especially in my neck of the woods.  So, when I dropped back to the 240 grainers, even at near max velocities, they seemed so much lighter that I wondered if I had properly charged the cases.  Then, in the same range session I began shooting some 200 grain reloads I had brewed up just to shoot up the 200 grain bullets I had laying around, and the darn things almost felt like target loads.  After the first cylinder full of those, I went to a one-handed target stance and grouped very nicely at 50 yds.  

Exactly one week later when I went back to the range with a couple of boxes of the 240s, expecting the same 'lightweight' response, I got 'woke' up realizing that even the 240s were nothing to scoff at.  This is just so much fun.  I wish I had time for more.

Oh!  Also, some factory loadings in the 240 weight for the 44s do seem to be very much on the lightweight side, and I agree with your thoughts that it was probably that particular Blazer load the the Old Griz felt was whimpy.  Mikey.

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2003, 09:11:15 AM »
Thanks globemountain, that's exactly what I meant! I like a good ol' .44 mag load that rattles your fillings. Well, with the Blazer stuff . . . ya might as well be shootin' a .357!

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Offline Jerry

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2003, 01:43:35 PM »
:grin: I have three favorite and accurate loads for my .44 mags:
Lyman mold, 429650 310gr.SWCGC 21.5grs. W.296- CCI-350, W.W. or Starline brass. 1389fps 8-3/8" 629 Classic
Lyman mold, 429640 280gr. FPGC 24grs. W.296 - CCI-350, W.W. or Starline brass, 1480fps 7-1/2" 629 Master Hunter PC
RCBS mold 44-250-K 250gr. SWC, 24grs. W.296- CCI-350, W.W. or Starline brass, 1437fps+ in several 5"& 6" S&W's.
I've taken many deer with all three of these loads in guns listed.

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Your most accurate .44 mag load?
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2003, 01:40:10 PM »
24grs of H-110 with a 240gr. XTP