Author Topic: Attack On Alaska Pipeline/Valdez Terminal  (Read 556 times)

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Offline Sourdough

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Attack On Alaska Pipeline/Valdez Terminal
« on: January 19, 2006, 01:39:00 PM »
Got this from the Anchorage Daily News

Web post urges jihadists to attack Alaska pipeline

BULLETS OR EXPLOSIVES: Nameless author claims to be acting on al-Qaida directives.

Anchorage Daily News

Published: January 19, 2006
Last Modified: January 19, 2006 at 02:24 AM

A recent posting on a Web site purportedly affiliated with al-Qaida urges attacks against the trans-Alaska oil pipeline and Valdez tanker dock, calling on jihadists to either shower the pipe with bullets or hide and detonate explosives along its length.

The unknown author encourages small cells of four or five mujahedeen, or Muslim guerrillas, living in the United States or in Canada or Mexico to mount the attacks.

The 10-page posting includes numerous links to Web sites providing maps and other basic information about the pipeline.

Attacking oil and gas targets in the United States and other countries is key to bringing down the economy of the "American devils," the author writes, saying the message was posted in response to calls from Osama bin Laden and his top al-Qaida deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri.

The Arabic posting was discovered and translated in late December by the SITE Institute, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit organization that tracks international terrorists.

The "presentation of targets" essentially was a posting to a password-restricted Web forum known to be affiliated with al-Qaida, and there's no way to identify the author or know whether it could inspire an actual attack, said SITE director Rita Katz.

However, she said the posting was unusual and alarming in its length and detail.

Spokesmen for the FBI and other law enforcement and security agencies said Tuesday they were aware of the posting, but none would say whether it had prompted any extra security measures in Alaska.

Curtis Thomas, a spokesman for the Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., the Anchorage-based oil company consortium that runs the 800-mile pipeline, said his company also was aware of the posting, but that "we're not aware at this time of any imminent threat" to the system. He said company policy is to not discuss security procedures, staffing levels or other issues.

"We're in communications with state, federal and local law enforcement and private entities that would be affected by this," said Eric Gonzalez, the FBI's Alaska spokesman.

He added that the posting did not seem to contain information beyond what is readily available to anyone with a little digging.

"I don't think it's a secret to anyone that the trans-Alaska pipeline, the terminal at Valdez, is a critical asset not only to the state but the country," Gonzalez said. "It's stating the obvious -- that this pipeline plays a critical role in this nation's economy."

The Alaska pipeline carries more than 800,000 barrels of crude a day from the North Slope oil fields to the Valdez tanker port. That's about one-eighth of U.S. production.

The posting suggests mujahedeen hit pipelines and other oil and gas assets in the United States, as well as in Iraq and the Caspian Sea region, as a way to hurt the U.S. economy and to gain payback for the war in Iraq.

"The bloody trash tore our children and dishonored us," it says. "This is our time to teach them a lesson in how to deal with Muslims."

It singles out the Alaska pipeline as a particularly valuable, and vulnerable, target for terror.

The author notes that 300,000 gallons of crude oil spewed out of a bullet hole in 2001, and that the pipeline is largely above ground, exposed and close to a highway.

A Livengood man was sentenced to 16 years in state prison after his conviction for oil pollution, criminal mischief, handling a firearm while drunk and other charges. Authorities say he shot the pipeline with a .338-caliber hunting rifle.

Pipeline operators have found numerous other bullet strikes over the years that did not puncture the pipeline's steel wall.

Security for the pipeline and Valdez tanker dock was heightened after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. One of the biggest changes was creation of a security zone the U.S. Coast Guard enforces around the dock. The zone is still in effect, though recently it was slightly downsized.

The author of the Web posting suggests attackers hit the pipeline with "piercing bullets," or better yet, place explosives alongside it, especially in rural and wooded places to slow response and create fires.

Mujahedeen should detonate the hidden explosives "from time to time until they can receive news of the American devils' defeat," the posting says.

It also suggests attacks on the pipeline's pump stations, the oil tankers that carry the oil to the West Coast, and the storage tanks at the Valdez tanker dock, which are "considered an ideal target."

The posting includes links to an eclectic collection of Web sites, including Alyeska and U.S. Department of Energy sites and that of fringe presidential candidate and political radical Lyndon LaRouche.

It also includes numerous errors, including a sentence saying the pipeline starts at the North Pole and ends at Valdez "on the Atlantic Ocean."

Katz, the SITE director, said her organization has analyzed and translated many terrorism-related Web postings for its clients, including oil companies, and this one stood out.

"When I saw this message, I was shocked," Katz said. It was much longer, more thoughtful and more fully researched than the normal posting, she said.

The posting might have come from anyone, she said, an individual or even from within the bin Laden camp. What's more important than the source is the influence it might have as it likely spreads through the Internet from forum to forum.

"Once there's an idea there, then you don't know who saw that idea and might take the initiative and go forward," she said.

"We take all of these matters quite seriously," said John Madden, state Homeland Security director. However, the posting was "not any great, analytical document," but rather a collection of information available from open sources.

Last month, federal pipeline regulators ordered Alyeska to develop new spill cleanup drills with "terrorist attack scenarios" in mind.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
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A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline Sourdough

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Attack On Alaska Pipeline/Valdez Terminal
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2006, 09:07:20 AM »
The drunk that shot the pipeline took five shots to get one through.  Also the pipeline has withstood one bombing already.  That bombing only damaged the insulation and outer wrapping.  The pipeline was designed well and can withstand a lot, "Earth Quakes" so it won't be as easy to damage as some think.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

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Attack On Alaska Pipeline/Valdez Terminal
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2006, 09:29:25 AM »
Somebody with a scoped rifle at the right place at the right time could avert somebody trying to blow up or shoot holes in the pipe line.
Remember the BEARS and WOLVES have to eat also.  :twisted:

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Attack On Alaska Pipeline/Valdez Terminal
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2006, 09:01:54 AM »
You know, that's a distinct possiability.  We folks that live along the pipeline use the corridor for hunting and trapping all the time.  We travel it by snow machine and 4-wheeler.  In the evening couples take walks along the right-of-way, there is a good gravel road running beside it.  And almost everyone goes armed.  Lots of foxes, rabbits, grouse, and cayotes, get shot along the pipeline with an occasional bear or Moose.    

    But there is areas that are far from civilization.  Those areas are the targets but right now access is the problem.  I don't think too many middle eastern types are able to handle the cold to operate a snowmachine.  This cold is not the type you just  you go out and do things.  It takes a couple of years for your body to get adjusted to, and for people to realise how to dress, and most important what not to wear.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline Daveinthebush

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« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2006, 09:23:21 AM »
Trying to attack the port is pretty remote.  The Coast Guard has a cutter and three fast boats.  There is radar everywhere, a 500 yard zone around any tanker, a security zone in front of the port and who knows what possible armament the tank farm has in itself.  There is a security point outside the terminal road, and another shortly thereafter.  You can't drive straight through, concrete barricades are in place to prevent that.  

We are pretty secure over here.
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