I agree about the Nikon Monarch 3x-9x-40mm as I already own and actually ordered another one from
www.theopticzone.com. (I also ordered a Bushnell Elite 4200 4x-16x-50mm, but that is much more expensive than your $200 range). Ask for Jon. And like chk said, you can also look at
www.swfa.com and ask for Chris. (I also plan on buying a scope from him too.)
By the way, although with optics you get what you pay for, you can get a decent scope for $200 or so.
Take a look at the Bushnell Elite 3200 series. Most models are under $200.
Yes, the Nikon Buckmasters are good, but the Monarchs are better and worth the money.
Other than that, there really isn't another scope, brand new and in your $200 price range, that I would personally recommend. That's not to say that there are not other good scopes out there, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable recommending them as much.