Author Topic: What does preserving your heritage mean to you?  (Read 3437 times)

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Offline ironfoot

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2004, 04:53:42 PM »
Heritage is fun to experience. But it should not be taken too seriously. Whether you believe we are all evolved from the Biblical Adam, or from an "Eve" decended from a branch of the ape family, we are all related. If one tries to over glorify "heritage" as one point in time, or one subset of humanity, or one set of cultural practices, one is likely to not properly respect the value of people who do not share that same heritage. The militant Islamists are over glorifying their heritage, and it is resulting in ongoing death and destruction.
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Offline ironfoot

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2004, 04:56:04 PM »
Quote from: El Confederado
Oh pard I have been busy playin soldier for one last time in the desert , anyhow had a bad run of luck with a few family members passin over to the otherside, but hey, they are in a better place, so with all that behind I should be around more.

El Confedero
Sorry to hear of your loss. Wish well to you and your family. God bless.
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Offline El Confederado

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2004, 01:47:30 PM »
Thanks pard.
Lt. J.M. Rodriguez II
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Offline nohorse

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2004, 11:28:46 AM »
Kate: Thanks I agree, we must pass the legacy on.

Ironfoot: Personally I believe it is not so much glorification but as Kate mentions passing on the legacy. Passing on the history and traditions with equal reverence to any particular ethnic group. They all have a story to tell and one that is worthy of preservation. That does not mean that we condone and carry on a tradition of violence. But because that violence did occur, however wrong it is or was, it has become another part of our history and has an impact upon our families and social and legislative climates and cannot be ignored or swept under the rug.
GG-father: 6th Ala Inf
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Offline tomaldridge

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Preserving my heritage
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2004, 08:54:56 AM »
In the 17th century, two brothers were thrown out of France for being Protestants, and one man was brought over from England as an "Indentured Servant", while another came to Virginia as one of the First Families.  A century later, more came from Scotland, lucky to be spared the persecution and murder visited upon others after Culloden.  It's a family joke that they came to Prince William County, Virginia, a place named for the man who caused most of that persecution and murder.  In the 19th century, decendants of these people fought in the 7th Maryland Regiment (US) and the 49th VA Infantry (CSA).  In 1865, the winners and losers both went home, and were not molested.  Their decendants have defended the nation in every generation.   That's my heritage, and if it weren't yours, too, the Confederates would have been slaughtered in April of 1865, like the Russians Stalin defeated, the Jews in Europe, the Cambodians, Zulus, and millions of others.

Offline nohorse

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2004, 09:09:07 AM »

Interesting post!  

"In 1865, the winners and losers both went home, and were not molested."  If that's true, and their homes were still there and their families - they were lucky.  Mine were not so lucky. But as you said  "Their decendants have defended the nation in every generation. That's my heritage," that's true for my family too...One uncle was on the Arizona at Pearl, another was killed at Normandy, another in the South Pacific, One also served on the USS Wisconsin and my father served in WW2 and Korea.    

"and if it weren't yours, too, the Confederates would have been slaughtered in April of 1865, like the Russians Stalin defeated, the Jews in Europe, the Cambodians, Zulus, and millions of others." It is honorable that mass genocide was not perpetrated upon the South after the war.
GG-father: 6th Ala Inf
GG-uncles: 6th Ala Inf; 19th Tn; Wirt Adam's Cav.

Offline ironfoot

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2004, 05:30:57 PM »
Please stop being so kind and rational. If all Confederates were as pleasant and persuasive as you, I would find myself wishing the South had won. (If any have a doubt, I meant this as a compliment.)
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Offline IntrepidWizard

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #37 on: December 28, 2004, 05:33:49 PM »
Great inhuman treatment to each other ,mostly by the south but not excluding the north on each other,most families in the US were affected greatly and torn apart.
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Offline williamlayton

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #38 on: December 28, 2004, 09:07:36 PM »
The South was only inhuman from LACK, not from inhumanity. Inhumanity, as defined by 19th century eyes.
The South went into this conflict ill prepared for anything, as in not well thought thru.
Had the South had able leaders, from the beginning, they would have seen the perils. This is what frightens me about most folks, they are knee-jerk reactionist with little or no thought concerning the outcome or how handle the outcome.

Offline nohorse

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2004, 02:35:39 PM »
Ironfoot: Thanks for the compliment. I have had a lot of fun discussing topics with you.

Williamlayton:  Had a lot of fun with you too. Still thinkin' on your last comment....
GG-father: 6th Ala Inf
GG-uncles: 6th Ala Inf; 19th Tn; Wirt Adam's Cav.

Offline Star1pup

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #40 on: November 05, 2005, 01:52:46 PM »
I just found this thread and it is very interesting.  Since I was born and raised in Ohio and still live here, and since my great great granddad was in the Pennsylvania Calvary, I guess I'm a yankee.  But, I have complete respect for those of you in the south.

When I read about this period I am awed by the courage on both sides.  I don't know how anyone could be brave enough to charge into such a hell.  Maybe it's the spirit if these guys in blue & gray that make our present military so powerful.

Offline BrianMcCandliss

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2005, 08:31:04 PM »
To me, it means observing the meaning of political evolution in world history and individual rights and freedom, and prevent it from devolving back into new-age feudalism whereby certain persons enjoy positions of power and privilege which are denied to everyone else.

Sure, we're told that "everyone has the equal opportunity" as everyone else-- IF they grease the right palms and jump through the right hoops etc; however, the principle rights of freedom and free choice, are so constrained and oppressed under our current system, that only a frog in a pot won't feel the heat-- until it's too late to jump out.

Likewise, those unwilling or unable to make such compromises in order to join these elite upper eschelons of society (usually at great cost of individual character and intellectual development due to the cost of conformity, in terms of both time and other resources),  find themselves shut out of the American Dream-- which for them becomes a Nightmare as they learn first-hand the underside of a sea of red tape and a "gatekeeper society" of bureacratic regulations.

Of course, those who benefit from this system will defend it-- and blame the victims, in the manner of Social Darwinism-- but more impugning their character as well as genome (i.e. calling them "lazy" as well as simply inferior).

As such, we've definitely slid back a pace from the visions of the Founders; unfortunately, this system has likewise blinded the majority via the political illiteracy it instills via the Mandarin-society type of promotion by its own arbitrar ystandards and definitions-- whereby likewise too many are convinced of the lie, that they can win the rat-race if they simply run fast enough on their little statist treadmills.

As such, it's no surprise that we're continually ruled by such "Skull and Bones" aristocrats; and it's my educated guess, that this will continue until the situation is redressed and the states freed.

I hope that no one thinks this is some type of "conspiracy theory;" because it's NO theory-- just pure political-scientific FACT.
If we had freedom, we wouldn't have government regulating trades between privately consenting individuals.

Offline ironfoot

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2006, 05:27:27 PM »
I see you are a frequent poster on the Free State Project forum.

What are you trying to accomplish? The Balkanisation of America? What great wrongs have you suffered in present day America that you think will be righted by tearing the country apart?
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Offline BrianMcCandliss

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2006, 05:57:51 PM »
Quote from: ironfoot
I see you are a frequent poster on the Free State Project forum.

What are you trying to accomplish? The Balkanisation of America? What great wrongs have you suffered in present day America that you think will be righted by tearing the country apart?

I hold that the government has become destructive to the unalienable rights of all, rather than securing them; it does this by claiming that such rights are arbitrarily subject and secondary to state-interests, which literally means that they are not unalienable rights at all endowed by a higher power, but merely revocable priveleges endowed us by the state itself. The fact that you, I or anyone can be conscripted at the behest of government to unlimited submission and expendibility to arbitrary government whims without recourse, is sheer proof of that-- i.e. we are not free men, but expendible assets of the state.
Other various wrongs follow in this example-- our right to trade, bank, earn, commerce freely and even live unmolested by government, absent any interest to the security of individual rights,  are all heavily infringed, compromised, taxed and regulated; hence we are not free men but chattel.
Hence, it is no surprise that our knowledge of the state's doings is likewise heavily compromised, leading to the frequent use of individuals as expendible assets-- i.e. slave-labor and cannonfodder in thinly-veiled imperialist wars-- which are self-perpetuating in nature: US involvement in WWI was not only corruptly motivated, but also gave other dictators such as Hitler, Stalin and Mao etc. their promotions from lowly upstarts to world dictators-- in addition to giving freedom and capitalism a bad name-- by masquerading as both, but being neither-- thereby contributing to their propaganda.

As for "America," you'll have to define what you mean; however I seek only the liberation of truth- and if that results in the dissolution of that which is built on lies and falsehoods, so be it: no good ever comes from deception and ignorance.

To be specific, I seek the liberation of truth regarding the Constitution, i.e. that it is not a national document-- and hence the United States proper, is not a nation-- but individual nations, which are under illegal occupation under a false claim of national authority-- and threat of force based on such authority.

As for "tearing the country apart:" one cannot destroy that which does not exist; it's like claiming that one "stole" from a thief, by simply taking back one's own from such. Poppycock; there IS no country, or "one indivisible nation:" only individual states, subject only to their own sovereign rule.
To quote Madison from Federalist 39, in selling the Constitution to the people of New York-- and the remaining states:

Each State, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act. In this relation, then, the new Constitution will, if established, be a federal, and not a national constitution.

This could not be more clear.
Anyone who believes me to be in error, may present arguments to the contrary. But I will not apologize for bursting bubbles-- bubble-heads have no right to foist their delusions on others.

Offline ironfoot

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2006, 07:32:11 PM »

"The fact that you, I or anyone can be conscripted at the behest of government to unlimited submission and expendibility to arbitrary government whims without recourse, is sheer proof of that-- i.e. we are not free men, but expendible assets of the state. "

So we agree, slavery is wrong and the south should not have seceded to preserve it.
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Offline BrianMcCandliss

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What does preserving your heritage mean to
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2006, 09:46:36 PM »
Quote from: ironfoot we agree, slavery is wrong and the south should not have seceded to preserve it.[/color]

I agree that you can't read English. The states were sovereign nations, and hade every right and power to secede in order to govern themselves domestically as they saw fit. Whether or not you or I think it was "wrong" by modern standards, would not only be irrelevant-- but hypocritical.

As for the North, you can't claim that slavery is wong-- even among those who are already slaves-- but then justify them attacking the South in order to ENSLAVE those who are free under the law, by violating their sovereign boundaries! This is worse than a double-standard-- it's hopeless ignorance.

It seems, rather, that your outrage is quite selective and inconsistent.